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Immigration – Smoke, Mirrors and Outright Lies……

9 Sep

‘The debate about immigration is, like all things political, spun in such a way as to hide the reality and confuse the public’s perception……’

Migrants fall into specific groups, most of whom are perfectly entitled to be here. Anybody living within the European Union (EU) is free to live and work anywhere else within the EU, including ourselves. Those who come from outside the EU can live and work here provided they meet certain criteria or who are invited here; most notably healthcare workers without whom the NHS would simply collapse. Those who are married to a UK resident. An overseas parent with a child who is resident here also has certain legal rights allowing them to live here. This is supported by Human Rights law which considers the right to a family life fundamental and universal. However, this does not automatically allow the non UK national the right to work. There is also an international agreement on those seeking asylum, which was agreed up after the atrocities committed during World War II. It is estimated that 3m people were relocated during WWII……

The parents that put their children in a boat must fear the land more. What would you do. Wait for the bombs to drop on you or get your family to safety? No contest……

Do we not have an obligation as members of the Human race to offer the hand of friendship? These people had lives, jobs, businesses, families and security, just like you until America and the UK got involved in the warmongering after 9/11; but that’s a post for the near future. As for the ‘slam the door shut’ advocates; if every country did it we’d be end up with a net increase in population and asylum seekers represent a small number of the total figures that are always quoted……

Don’t believe the hype…… If we can afford Trident nuclear missiles……

A Review of 2014……

31 Dec


‘Thank you to all of my readers during 2014…  Below is an automated summary generated by WordPress…  More to come in 2015…  Bringing you the truth behind the ‘commercial medias’ headlines…..’


The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog:

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 3,700 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 3 trips to carry that many people.


Click here to see the complete report.

Big Brother – Beware……

18 Feb

The Care Data Project – A Snoopers Charter……BB_Eye_01

During these times of austerity our Government has announced its latest hugely expensive, unnecessary and intrusive IT project, which based on their track record will cost three times as much as has been budgeted for and not work……

The new database will include medical information collected from your GP and hospital records.  It is unclear if this a re-launch of a proposal made at the start of the coalition or something entirely unconnected.  But, like the last attempt, it is an ‘opt out’ rather than ‘opt in’ system.

nhs_logoThe proposed database is intended to improve patient outcomes and, although the data stored will be anonymous, it is not beyond the capability of hackers to trace its source.  It is unclear at this stage who will have legitimate access to the information stored and as we have learnt, it is not beyond major multinational companies to employ dubious and illegal methods to obtain whatever they need……

GPs have expressed concerns over the new database and although it is reported to be ‘anonymous’, the Police can access the database under certain circumstances; no specific details of what circumstances would warrant this……

The Pharmaceutical industry would also have access.big-brother-01

Cost Benefit Analysis……

In yet another disturbing story, the Government is pushing the BMA and NICE to apply a cost benefit analysis to the prescribing of some medications.  There has been talk of withholding medications from older people.  Although it may be beneficial for the patient, their contribution to society may not be as good as that of a younger man with the same condition.  It is almost as if they are regarding us as batteries……

‘Since writing this article is has become clear that this IT project is the one previously……’


The original article was entitled ’The Snoopers Charter (Cont’d)’ posted on 28 December……

Russell Brand on Revolution……

23 Oct

In a week in which we saw Russell Brand become the guest editor of The New Statesman I put on hold my own piece about the American War Machine and the obscene way in which what has become known as ‘The Iron Triangle’, where the policy makers have a stake in the wars they create, to credit Russell for his albeit leftfield work.

In an interview with Jeremy Paxman tonight he was the first to admit that he didn’t have the magic remedy, but that the status quo will inevitably lead to a revolution.  In his larger than life way he pointed out the things that the populous are all too aware of even if they lack the clever rhetorical skills to express themselves.  Brand was simply pointing out that the political system we have in this country gets less transparent every time a politician uses the word and that what we still have is an ‘old boy’ network.  Access to power is limited to those who already have it either by who they know or heredity.  They have no interest in stopping their corrupt friends from stashing the unimaginable amounts of money they have well away from the Tax Man, nor will they use the power granted to them to force the utility companies to reduce the cost to the average household.  Not since the end of World War II has the gap between rich and poor been greater and this has nothing to do with a limited amount of total cash flow as we watch the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

There sits a kind of middle ground, where those who were lucky enough to have a small stake in the game when the Blair Government came to power, are just keeping up with the game but, as their budgets get squeezed tighter and tighter, as they inevitably will, their eyes too will be opened, and, whether you like the style of Russell Brand, you know what he is saying is true.  Nothing short of a revolution, in which the proletariat seizes power from the ‘old boy’ network, no matter how bloody that event is, is the only way to rebalance the scales of fairness……


Behold, it’s a Miracle……

20 Sep

With all of suffering in the world, the deaths of innocent women and children in conflicts, the displaced, the starving, the diseases that we can so easily cure and the abject poverty in which so many of God’s children live, it’s nice to unburden oneself from feelings of guilt and hear of some of the goodness that happens……

As the summer draws to close and the leaves fall from the trees, the trinket and postcard sellers of Lourdes, Eastern France, pack away their stalls until the next season of gullible pilgrims make the journey in search of that illusive miracle cure.

Not the Real Virgin Mary

Not the Real Virgin Mary

The 2013 season has proven to be a good one for the Catholic Church and the people of Lourdes, not to mention Mrs. Daneli Castelli who was this year’s lucky recipient of miracle status.  Mrs. Castelli actually experienced the miracle on 4 May 1989 after visiting the E. Coli, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Faecal ridden baths that six million other hopefuls have bathed their puss filled wounds and drooled into that season.  And her miracle cure was the disappearance of a small fibrous legion (that doctors had operated on only a few months earlier)……

Its men that hate each other

Its men that hate each other

Mrs. Castelli is officially the 69th miracle to have happened at Lourdes since the Virgin revealed herself to an impressionable teenager in 1860.  Among the long list of miracles (which I won’t bore you with) there have lots of cures for which modern medicine works pretty well and nothing particularly exciting like the re-growing of an amputated limb.  Call me a sceptic but 69 rather minor miracles in 150 years does not seem very impressive to me, so let’s do the math.  I’ve missed out the boring calculations but your chances of being the recipient of a miracle is 13,043,478 to 1 or, about the same as scooping the jackpot on the National Lottery……

It’s just a suggestion but wouldn’t it be better if the six million visitors gave the not unsubstantial cost of a holiday in Lourdes to a charity?  That way there is much higher probability of science finding a cure than you drinking from a rat piss infested pool in France……

It has always struck me as a little strange that ‘the almighty’ omniscient, omnipresent creator, (and yes ‘omnipresent’ does



mean he’s watching over you ever time you shit or crack one off when Sharon Stone’s on TV), can only manage a miserly 69 miracles when he, presumably, has the power to end all human misery in one godly shake of his ‘God Rod’…….

Blue backgrounds

Fukushima – Still Counting the Costs of Nuclear Power……

28 Aug

Japan is located in a geological region collectively known as ‘the Pacific Rim of Fire’.  It is a horseshoe shaped belt where the Earths most active geological processes are taking place.  The histories of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis have been well documented.  It covers a huge area stemming from the far South-Western coast of the Americas all of the way around to the Eastern coast of Australia.

No doctorate in geology is needed to understand the implications of choosing such an area for the construction of Nuclear Power Plants……

As with all potentially dangerous technologies where there is an element of unpredictable parameters beyond the control of the builders or operators, engineers design in a margin of error, should the worst case scenario happen which it did at the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor in Japan in 2011……

The Margin for Error at Fukushima was woefully inadequate.  The truth of the matter is that the parameters upon which any calculations were based were massively underestimated for the reality of the earthquake and tsunami which followed.  Leaving scientists, government officials and those tasked with assessing the damage ‘flying blind’; giving their best available predictions to journalists, hastily calculated on the back of a cigarette packet……

Back to Basics……


A nuclear reactor works on the same basic principles of all electricity generators.  Water is boiled to create steam which powers turbines to generate electricity.  It is no different to any other electricity generating plant with one small but very important difference.

In all other power generation systems where water is heated to create steam inside a boiler to turn a turbine; if the steam runs out the turbine grinds to a halt.  Embarrassing and costly but with no irreversible environmental damage.  The difference is where nuclear fission is used to create the heat source which in turn creates the steam means the reactor cannot simply shut off instantaneously.  Control rods are lowered into the core of the reactor to stop the fission reaction but the reactor continues to produce heat, lots of heat, and for a long time.  This is not usually a problem and given a plentiful supply of water a reactor can be safely shut down in around three weeks.  The complicated physics of nuclear reactors isn’t of huge importance to this debate but the only crucial factor is that the reactor core has to be constantly supplied with cold water.  If it stops you are left with ‘The China Syndrome’.  This is where an overheating reactor core reaches such high temperatures it literally melts the base of the containment vessel and the re-enforced concrete structure surrounding it, leading to a highly radioactive laver seeping into the ground below.  When it hits the water table it can spread over enormous distances making the surrounding area unfit for human habitation.


Nuclear power has a tendency to evoke sensations of fear to the average man in the street but has proven to be a very useful source of energy.  Most of the accidents and near misses that have happened have been caused by malfunctioning monitoring or mechanical systems, or mostly, human error.  For these reasons the nuclear industry has introduced ‘failsafe’ and redundant systems, manually controlled backup systems and multiple layers of computing monitoring.  On the whole this has proven successful but there are events in which no amount of multiple backup will make any difference whatsoever; the forces of nature……

MARCH 2011……

A massive earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale happened off the east coast of Japan.  The practice drills carried out by people who work in Japans’ factories, offices and schools worked as planned and the initial earthquake caused very low loss of life.  The tsunami warning systems also alerted those near the coast of the incoming tidal wave.  Many headed for high ground, many simply went upstairs. A Richter 9.0 earthquake is almost unheard of and the sea defences, some of which were 10 meters high, were still inadequate to cope with the resulting wave, leading to an estimated 20,000 plus fatalities as the sea rushed 5km in land.

At the Fukushima Plant……

The first stage of the ‘fail safe’ system kicked in almost immediately as the first shock waves were picked up, lowering in the radioactive-symbolcontrol rods and beginning the shut down procedure.  It was what happened a few minutes later that no body had registered in their calculations.  The Richter scale is logarithmic; meaning a magnitude 2.0 earthquake is 10 times as powerful as a magnitude 1.0.  Therefore, an earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale, which was the maximum Japan had planned for, is equivalent to an explosion of 15 mega-tonnes of TNT.  The magnitude 9.0 earthquake that hit Japan was the equivalent of 480 mega-tonnes of TNT, or as scientists sometimes call it, ‘F**k**g massive’.

The tidal wave which hit the Fukushima plant was devastating and all of the precautionary measures put in place turned out to be woefully inadequate.  Remembering that it is the constant flow of cold water running through the reactors that allows them to shut down safely, the plant had back up generators to power the pumps in such an event.  However, these were rendered completely redundant by the sheer overwhelming force of the tidal wave.  The power plant was now facing the worst possible situation.  An attempt was made to bring in generators and pumps and water was dropped from helicopters; somewhat reminiscent of the Chernobyl accident, but despite the Governments protestations they new they had a big problem on their hands.

The explosions which happened within a few hours of the earthquake were a telltale sign that all was not good.  When starved of cooling water the reactors produce Hydrogen, which, when mixed with just the right amount of Oxygen, explodes.  One by one this happened to each of the reactors at Fukushima……

What has Happened Since……

The Japanese Government has done what all governments do when faced with a humanitarian, ecological, financial and potential fatal set of circumstances; they lie.

The Japanese Government has consistently played down the ecological implications of the accident and reassured those evacuated that all will soon be back to normal and they can return to their homes.  Only a small exclusion zone will persist as a matter of precaution.

The Japan Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) have stated that they are unsure how much contaminated water has leaked into the Pacific but have reclassified the incident as a Level 7 (for Spinal Tap fans that like an 11, or maybe 12)……

Questions for Humanity……


With the need for energy security and the evolution of the human race near the top of many political agendas questions need to be asked.  Firstly, at what price evolution.  Secondly, with so many of our leaders intimately involved with energy and standing to profit from it; are we being told the truth about energy and is any real attempt being made to reduce our consumption whilst generating it from better, cleaner sources.Rumsfeld & Saddam

It is my personal belief that governments and politicians are just the puppets of the oligarchy running the show from behind the scenes.  These people have no thought for the world they’ll be leaving behind for their grandchildren, they are simply here to make as much for themselves as they can.  They control energy and money, and with it everything else.  Fukushima is just one example of them being caught ‘on the hop’ but they’ll soon paper over those cracks.  Their number one objective is the Military Industrial Complex that brought us 9/11 and 7/7, providing us with a bogey man to fear.  They’re at it right now in Syria with the chemical weapons trail.  Was it Bashar, was it the freedom fighters or was it Al Qaeda.  No, it was the Americans/UK, the Israelis or the Russians; stamping out human lives in an instant for their profit making energy security and the inevitable wars which accompany it, from which they also profit……


Political Gestures……

3 Aug

Plain Packaging, Plain Arrogance……

The recent proposals to introduce plain packaging for all Tobacco products have been put on hold whilst the Government waits to check the efficacy of the Australian ban.  After all, you wouldn’t want to rush into taking ineffective measures that would damage the enormous profits and tax revenue created by an industry which legally sells a product that kills half of the people who use it.  No; better to wait and see before imposing draconian and expensive measures on the multi-billion dollar industries, who insist that their advertising isn’t aimed a children.

It would seem like a no brainer to most people but not the political elite like Karl McCartney MP, who, along with other political cronies, received a nice Champaign lunch at the Chelsea Flower show, worth £1,100.00 before voting against the ban [no inferences have been drawn].  Mr. McCartney’s benefactor, Japan International Tobacco, didn’t send me a gift, even though I’ve been a loyal customer for 25 years.  I can’t imagine why……


As our Government are so keen on evidence based policy right now, they might like to look at the recommendations of UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC) who said in a recent report that the way the Government collect, analyse and use evidence is ‘inadequate’.  They also recommended the setting up of a Royal Commission but it was rejected out of hand by the Prime Minister and Home secretary.  Keith Vaz MP said that ‘After a year of scrutinising Drug Policy, it is clear that many aspects [of the policy] simply aren’t working.

Whilst the Government may want to see whether plain cigarette packaging has any affect on smoking in Australia, no less than seven independent reports by experts in the field of drug prevention, harm reduction and rehabilitation have had any effect on policy.  In fact, every recommendation has been ignored leading to the resignation of Professor David Nutt, the Government’s Chief Policy Advisor.  I’m guessing this may be because drug dealers don’t lobby political parties and give MPs generous gifts……

Other Evidence……

The bravado shown by our Prime Minister with his promises of pornography filters that will keep us all ‘safe’ from indecent images, is evidence that the PM understands less about computer search algorithms than he does about economics.  I have yet to see an expert explain how this could be made to work.  The very idea that someone could simply conjure up a program that can identify what is, and isn’t, indecent images is laughable.  He has offered no suggestions as to how the magic filter will work but has promised us all an ‘opt in’ button as standard.

The definition of what is ‘acceptable’ pornography and what isn’t is the first hurdle.  It is my understanding that sexual acts between consenting adults is legal regardless of how distasteful Mr. Cameron finds it.  We already have an agency which deals with online child exploitation and abuse that do a very good but difficult job.  To bring the PM’s proposals into the fold will make things infinitely more complicated but it’s good PR all the same…….

Stupid Posh Men……

We have a stagnant, crippled economy due the actions of the rapacious financial services industries to which Government pampers and has done nothing to tackle the problem.  Gideon’s jumping for joy over a 0.3% increase in the GDP of our failing economy which is meaningless to people who can’t afford to eat.  The out of touch ‘members’ think they deserve another £10k per year when our hospitals are killing us; not due to bad nursing, due to the seemingly endless appetite for privatisation, centralisation and outsourcing.  Public services have a duty to provide for us.  Private companies have a duty to show returns for their shareholders, the consequence of which is a race to the bottom; selling contracts to the lowest bidder.  A few examples are the ATOS Healthcare mess, G4S incompetence, the now empty centralised fire control centres and the ‘111’ out of hours service.  All Government initiatives, especially those requiring new IT systems, run over cost, over time, over budget and don’t work.

Meanwhile, the best decoy tactics are to demonise the most vulnerable sections of society with a constant barrage of selective statistics that make it appear unemployment and disability is bankrupting the welfare state when the majority of spending goes on pensions (50%), Child and Working Tax Credits and other ‘in work’ benefits, primarily because the people who ‘want to work hard and get on’ are not paid a living wage by the multinational companies who pay almost no taxes themselves.  Perhaps Mr. Cameron should provide them with an ‘opt in’ button on their accounting software.  Immigration is a prime target of spin, when in reality they have no accurate figures but choose to waste tens of thousands of pounds on their divisive mobile billboards stating “In the UK illegally?  Go home or face arrest”.  Because if were here escaping a brutal regime that rapes women in conflict zones and forces marriage and genital mutilation, I would be on the phone quicker than you could say, “Inept, out of touch Etonian posh boys who couldn’t manage a McDonalds, let alone a country’……


I’m sad that I live in a country that is run by corrupt back room deals done by the old boy network, where unless you are born into the right bloodline, your chances of progression are severely impaired.  The Police are a disgrace; just ask Mrs. Lawrence, the family of John Charles de Mennenez, or the mothers of children born to climate change protestors of undercover coppers because of the paranoia of ‘the state’.  The mainstream media too are as corrupt as their paymasters.

If anyone still believes that a bunch of tribal cave dwellers, with rusting Kalashnikovs, their transistor radios illegally connected to the intermittent state controlled power supplies, are running a highly organised, well resourced, worldwide terror network ready to strike at any moment, working tirelessly to bring down the UK so they can invade us and impose Sharia law, is sadly mistaken.  The conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan and all the others are as old as written history.  Their only reason to attempt to bring it to our attention with their ill conceived and usually futile attacks is to send a simple message: ‘Western countries get out of our lands and go home”.  Only the workings of a real organised worldwide network of terrorism can pull off 9/11 and 7/7, and they are our own, working under a false flag to give impetus to a global ‘war on terror’ to support the Military Industrial Complex.  They have but one goal; return a profit to the Global Elite whom they serve and sell it to us as a necessary ‘security’ measure.  Munitions aren’t measured in lives lost and lives saved, they are measured like everything else in this shitty world; profits……



25 Jun

‘It’s the political buzz word of the moment but recent revelations have shown that the transparency of our Government to be somewhat opaque……’

There are more judicial and public enquiries currently taking place than at any time in the history of Parliament.  There are also endless Commons Select Committees, focus groups and public petitions being brought forward by organisations such as  However, journalist, whistle blowers and the people in charge of leading public authorities are revealing the true extent of the sub diffuse, corruption and criminal activities of our Government……

Lies and Deception……

Over that past few days we have discovered that the CIA and GCHQ are ‘in bed together’ monitoring our online, text messages and voice calls.  This is all apparently above board and legal, provided they obtain a warrant to access the content, and why would we have any reasons to doubt that they would follow legitimate procedures?  There is also the shameful attempt to discredit the friend of Stephen Lawrence and other members of his family.  And what is the official response; another enquiry.  The Care Quality Commission is implicated in a cover up of unusually high death rates in baby and maternal care at the Morecambe Bay NHS Trust in Cumbria.  The embarrassing revelation that the UK has been holding prisoners at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, without charge or access to legal representation for up to 14 months, contrary to international law which states detainees should be released after 96 hours.  I could continue but if I were to list all the breaches of trust committed by our representatives this article would be 15 pages long; minimum…….

Reality Check……

The cabal, new world order, illuminate; call them what you will, they are all in controlling positions making judgements on who lives and who dies.  They act with impunity and answer to nobody aside the select few at the top of the ‘food chain’.  They control the money, instigate conflicts, exploit the resources of third world economies, embrace the opposing factions in the War on Terror whilst facilitating its continuation and no matter who wins of looses, they always win.  Through the Military Industrial Complex a huge income is attained.  One third of the developed world’s budget is spent on munitions.  Which side wins is of no consequence.  The cycles of boom and bust are not coincidental.  During the boom times the borrowing of small companies and individuals is high, funding the machine through interest.  When the bubble collapses the funding is provided by way of a ‘rescue’, the result of which is that the debts are paid from the unavoidable taxes levied on the poorest members of society.  Boom or bust the money roles in.  It is note worthy that the stock markets of the world are currently high and the banking cartels are holding more reserves than at times of growth……

The Agenda……

Here I cannot offer any answers.  Many of the elite have more money than you could spend in a lifetime, so greed cannot be the motivation.  I believe that the conflicts that happen are a mere diversion to focus attention away from the real agenda.  I can only speculate that the power to hold life and death under your control is addictive and that the power brokers are addicted to control in the same way as a Heroin addict is addicted to the drug.

Whatever the answer the Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission are the historical cabal whose fingerprints are all over the New World Order……
TrilateralCouncil_on_Foriegn_Relationsbilderberg - logo

The Crazy World of Medicine……

20 Jun

Austerity is the word of moment.  Accident and Emergency departments are stretched to breaking point; many are closing as are smaller local hospitals.  In a bid to make efficiency savings vital specialist services such as children’s Cardiology departments are be merged into fewer centres.  Some drugs are deemed too expensive, despite there efficacy, whilst other are available under a ‘post code lottery’.  Mental health services have been particularly adversely affected and offer very little in specialist counselling, leaving many people on ineffective medication in its place.  And yet, amidst all of this Homeopathy is an available treatment from the NHS……

Homeopathy was conceived by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 and based on the principal of similia similibus curentur (like cures like), according to which a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in a healthy person will act as a cure in a sick person.  Despite rigorous scientific testing is has been proven beyond doubt to be completely implausible and ineffective.  At best it performs in line with the results one would expect from a placebo, at worst it may even be harmful, especially if the patient has such faith in Homeopathy that they forego conventional, proven medical treatments……

Homeopathy has devised its own ‘scientific’ language to describe its treatments.  The original substance which may, or may not be associated with the illness it is intended to treat is diluted with distilled water or alcohol and further diluted.  This process continues until the required dilution is reached.  Counter intuitively, the more dilute the original; the more potent it is considered.  The amounts by which the treatments are diluted defy logic.  For example a Homeopathic dilution of ‘30C’ (the Homeopathic scale), 1ml of solution would be found in a cube of water with sides measuring 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 meters, or 106 light years square.  This means that a 30C Homeopathic remedy is what scientist call ‘water’.  It is far more likely that the solution is contaminated with other substances during the dilution process which has in itself more in common with Witch Doctors than Medical Practitioners.  In fact, there is not enough water on Earth to produce the highest Homeopathic dilutions, yet it is still offered as an alternative treatment by the NHS……

Anecdotal evidence from patients whom swear by the effectiveness of Homeopathy amounts to no evidence whatsoever.  I have a friend with OCD who must stand on every crack in the pavement lest he should suffer bad luck for the rest of that day.  He requires the help of the overstretched Mental Health Services as do the advocates of Homeopathy, which they may be able to get were it not for the latter……


Perspectives on the War on Terror……

4 Jun

The hyperbole used by politicians contains almost all of the extraneous grammatical tautologies possible as I’m sure their armies of spin doctors know all too well, but it only adds to the drama whilst demonstrating to anybody with a reasonable grasp of the English language their ineptitude and, for those who do not examine the analogous statements, it only appears to add linguistic gravitas to their authority……


Redundancy and Tautology……

Baroness Sayeeda Warsi is actually quite amusing to watch on TV programmes such as ‘Question Time’ as she struggles to string together coherent sentences.  Quite how such a brainless individual managed to reach the House of Lords evades me but there are no rules in peerage.  On a recent edition of ‘Question Time’ she continually referred to “extremist terrorists”.  In doing so I feel she provided  a useful public service by differentiating between the “extremist terrorists” and the more moderate, left wing terrorists who sit on tube trains wearing vests made from bubble wrap, threatening to carry on popping bubbles until their demands are met.  Lady Warsi; terrorists are terrorists, wherever they come from, whoever they purport to represent and whatever course of action they take.  Otherwise they would be protestors or campaigners.  Calling them “Extremist terrorists” is a grammatical redundancy as anyone who is a terrorist is by definition extreme.

A similar but no less effective use of pervasive language is to define terrorist groups by the religion they practice.  Acts of terrorism perpetrated by people of the Islamic faith is always highlighted as such, whilst acts of retaliation against them are portrayed as faith neutral.  This is particularly apparent in the Middle East where the Palestinians are ‘Islamic’ terrorists or ‘fundamentalists’ but the oppressive occupying Israeli forces are never referred to as ‘Jewish oppressors’.  The same applies to almost all conflicts in Islamic countries where the ‘Christian’ coalition are the occupying force.  This use of language is not only one sided and divisive but does a disservice to the majority of Muslims who are neither extreme nor fundamental.  It is akin to dividing paedophiles into ‘heterosexual’, ‘homosexual’, ‘lesbian’ or ‘incestuous’.  Paedophiles, like terrorists, only require one adjective to convey their twisted ideology and the acts they perpetrate……

It Takes Two to Tango……

The US and UK have a very short memory when it comes to events in world history.  The current bouts of ideological warfare started with 9/11, the ‘axis of evil’ and the ‘war on terror’.  In reality it is nothing more than a continuation of events stretching back through the annals of time.  One doesn’t need to look too far into the past to see the civil rights movement, which only ‘won’ equality for African-Americans in the 1960s or, more recently, the end of apartheid in South Africa.  Neither do you need a history lesson to see the ongoing oppression of the people of Tibet or Burma.  Even the establishment of the United States of America required land grabs and attacks against the indigenous population……

Democracy in Action……

There are between 192 and 195 countries in the world.  Officially, approximately half are democratic.  This does depend largely on your viewpoint and how you define a democratic country.  Personally, I don’t even consider the UK as truly democratic; as for Russia and many others, democracy is far from an actuality.  Sharia Law CampaignWhatever your opinion and by whatever means you judge democracy, it has little affect on the relationships between countries.  The US and UK are close allies of Saudi Arabia which is not democratic in any way and has a questionable record of human rights abuses.  However, we have lucrative arms contracts with Saudi Arabia and commit little parliamentary resources to challenge them regarding the treatment of their citizens and especially their treatment of women.

Rumsfeld & SaddamPost 9/11 we joined the US invasion of Iraq, based on the allegation that they could attack us with only 45 minutes warning, possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and had links with ‘al Qaeda.  None was found to be true.  No WMDs were found and the 45 minute warning was proven to be false along with the links to ‘al Qaeda’.  We also joined the US in the invasion of Afghanistan; this time to dismantle the ‘al Qaeda’ training camps and capture Osama Bin Laden who was accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks, although to this day the US government has failed to provide any evidence that this was the case, other than the clearly fake video evidence conveniently discovered in a house in Afghanistan after the invasion.  In the immediate aftermath of 9/11 the Taliban offered to extradite Bin Laden providing the US present the evidence, which they were unable to do, leading to the invasion of Afghanistan and the loss of countless innocent civilian lives.

Ex-Best Friends

Ex-Best Friends

The US and UK; self appointed police force of the ‘free’ world, pick and choose who are the enemy and who aren’t.  It has nothing to do with human rights, democracy, religion or any other tangible, publicly available information or policy.  As Colonel Gaddafi discovered, one day you’re in the club, the next your membership has been revoked and the armed forces have joined your detractors to over through you……

In Summary……

Right and wrong has little, if any, relationship to the foreign policies of the west.  Money, oil and strategic concerns drive such policy.  Whilst I do not condone any acts of violence by any side in a conflict, it is not beyond reason to see why desperate acts of suicide bombings are undertaken by people who feel that their voices, culture, history and claims on territory can lead individuals to take such inhumane actions.

We live in a corrupted world where military campaigns are waged against whole populations, 98% of whom have no involvement in the extreme fringes of what is happening in their homeland.  Meanwhile, by stealth and under the guise of security our basic human rights are being undermined.

If we judge the death toll of innocent civilians caught up in the ‘war on terror’ as a marker by which to judge the aggressors we find the real terrorists are the US, UK and their allies……