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Charity Begins at Charities……

21 May

‘It’s not true that charity begins at home. Charity begins in the boardroom, probably a plush boardroom surrounded by antiques, in a nice office, situated in a nice part of town. And, the men in suits sitting around them, because they are mostly men, have a combined income of millions of pounds……’

It is not my intent to detract from the good work done by many unpaid and dedicated people on behalf of charities. However, as we all too aware, everything in the global economy has become a business; why should charities be any different? There are countless well known charities which have become a Golden Goose to support wealthy people. Some, it could be argued are not even charities at all and are using charity status to gain tax breaks.

Follow the Money……

You don’t need to be a forensic accountant to see what I’m writing about. imageRecent figures show that the top 10 bosses of charities are paid almost £4million. Ten people, £4million; charity really does begin ‘at home’. I imagine the 25 year old Scotch in the drinks cabinet will be covered by the ‘company’ credit cards which also pay for the first class travel to the galas and conferences that are crucial in keeping the machine running. Remember, “Your £2 per month could stop Aliesha walking 8 miles a day to collect the contaminated water she needs to keep her and her family alive”; but not before she’s made the equivalent of 2,000,000,000 journeys just to keep the 25 year old Scotch topped up…..

Stealth Tactics……

In this era of ‘social’ media, information is available to those with the money to pay for it and charities love to know our income bracket, occupation, the value of our property and type of car we drive. Older people are generally more generous when giving to charity. Therefore, if you new their age, income, the types of charities they already give to and, sadly, they have been personally affected by illness, they can become a target. Now, I believe charities are a good thing but it makes me very uncomfortable to know that elderly relatives are being targeted. Companies and Charities have been warned about this behaviour and claim that it allows them to collect monies more efficiently. I can speak from personal experience; shortly after we lost a family member to Cancer we made a donation. Within weeks we had received requests from dozens of Cancer charities. My Mother gives to one of the Cat charities and she receives endless requests.  It’s a competition sign you up.

Last year the equivalent of 200 targeted requests were made for ever man, woman and child in the UK……


A whole new industry has formed around this new model of collecting which doubtless came from a firm of highly paid management consultants. It works like most business models today, using conpartmentmalisation. There are call centres dedicated to collecting, all for a fee of course. Marketing, research,, logistics, efficiency, the list is endless; all doing their bit for charity/a fee……

It’s a sad world when even charities are exploiting people, not for money to help others, but to make money to help themselves. The argument surrounding salaries goes as follows; a person in a similar position on the board of Fortune500 company can earn 10 times what they are paid by a charity. I’ll pause while we all laugh at the irony of that statement;e then point out that they are charities. There are Graduates and people with Ph. Ds in business management who would jump at the chance of earning 1/10th of the salaries paid to the old boy network, who probably have other jobs too……

If it Was Me……

Before I gave a penny to anyone I’d be checking the CEOs salary online. We gave £80 billion as individuals last year. It makes the States contribution look tiny in comparison which is why almost every ad break tells us 1 in 3 will get Cancer and half will suffer dementia. It’s only companies with big budgets and big profits we hear from the rest of the time. What a sad place the world has become when, what had admirable ambitions, has become another cog in the 3 percenters money making machinery, churning 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year…….

A Piece of the Pie……

What really worries me is the conditions created by the Military Industrial Complex. They create a great need for charitable interventions. I’m sure they were near the bottom of the list when 9/11 was at the planning stages but there’s a significantly larger slice of the pie available now……


Or just a position as an article writer, editor or researcher will do……

Just Because You’re Paranoid……

26 Nov

Something interesting landed in my inbox the other day.  It’s not unusual to get an email from Microsoft informing you of potential unauthorised activity on your account.  It can be triggered because of a geographical difference in your usual location.  This one just happened to be my blog account……’

Now, it’s not unusual to get these type of emails, especially with all the scams that take place.  Microsoft kindly gave me the IP address of the person, persons or organisation that tried to, or did access my account and took me through the process of account verification and password change.  Because they had given me the IP address I decided to track it.  The result is interesting as you will see…..

Here’s a screenshot of the email.  Note the IP address…..

And, here’s the result of my search for the owner of that IP address……

The longitude and latitude of the server turned out to be closest to this property operated by the Minisrty of Defence……

I’m not concerned in the slightest that the Ministry of Defence may want to view my private communications.  I make frequent references to the crimes carried out by them; the extra-judicial execution of ‘terrorists’ in the sovereign territories of far away countries by drone on their orders, often killing innocent people in the process, and we are expected to simply take their word for it that they are terrorists who pose a threat to our national security.  I maintain that both the Afghan and Iraq wars were illegal and that the public were misled as to the treat posed by them.  The deaths of our troops and those of at least 1.5million innocent civilians make this a very serious issue and the Commander in Chief should be indicted, hauled off the in International Criminal Court and answer for their actions.  Our part in Extraordinary Rendition, torture in so called ‘black sites’ and the illegal detention without charge of UK nationals in Guantanamo Bay.

In my opinion our politicians are nothing more than puppets, controlled by an incredibly powerful group of nefarious overlords and are in the pay of the Military Industrial Complex.  An organisation who benefit from war and incursions all over the globe, hence the ramping up of war in the Middle and Far East. They benefit from every angle, be it the initial destruction for which they fund and supply arms to all sides.  They benefit from migration with lucrative contracts holding asylum seekers in detention centres and they benefit from the rebuilding of the infrastructure they destroy.  Suffice to say ‘world piece’ or an end to the media driven ‘war on terror’ is not one of their goals.  As the ‘Project for a New American Centry – Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ stated they intended to have a war without end against an invisible enemy.  

Wars make money and money is the bottom line for the Globalist New World Order.  They will stop at nothing to achieve this end……  Privately owned ‘federal’ banks control the money supply and Governments under the control of the Biulderberg Group and the illusion of democracy allows them to get away with it……
If my private blog correspondence is so threatening then indict me and I’ll see you in open court…..

9/11 – Mission Accomplished……

11 Sep

It’s now been 17 years since 19 hijackers boarded four commercial aircraft, flying one into the Pentagon, one into each of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre and one into a field in Pensilvania. That’s still the official version and despite increasing public dissatisfaction and mounting evidence to the contrary, they’re sticking to it……’

Conspiracy Theorists have, apparently, cobbled together their own version of what they think happened. Unfortunately, due to some of the more ridiculous conspiracy theories on the World Wide Web, many completely unrelated to 9/11, the tightly controlled ‘free press’ label any ‘conspiracy theorist’ a deluded crackpot; insinuating that any challenge made to the official story is some ludicrous concoction dreamt up by crazy people, (which admittedly some are). However, there are large groups of professionals including pilots, physicists, engineers, ex-military/CIA/NSA operatives, architects, demolition experts and hundreds of thousands of others with the ability to reason, who are neither ‘crackpots’, ‘crazy’ or ‘deluded’ and have perfectly valid questions. If you’re obsessive enough and cross check details applying the scientific method I can say with 100 percent certainty is that the official story is simply not true. When FOI requests or questions are asked, no explanation is given, are hidden for ‘security purposes’, though it’s never clear whose security, or dismissed under the ‘conspiracy theorist’ banner. History is, however, littered with documented, proven False Flag ‘terrorist’ attacks such as the burning of the Reichstag building, attributed to an unemployed Dutch brick layer who just happened to be nearby and used by Hitler’s propaganda machine as proof of a Communist threat to push through draconian legislation. Sound familiar? Google ‘False Flag terrorist attacks’ and you’ll find hundreds of examples (Mostly executed by the U.S.)…

Small things add up, or don’t. For example, in the immediate aftermath Bush, Rice, Cheney and many other top officials all publicly stated that they had absolutely no incline ‘terrorists’ might use commercial aircraft as flying suicide bombs and that they had “no warnings”. Both statements which have been proven to be untrue. They ran scenarios where planes were used, even featuring an image of the WTC in crosshairs on the cover of one such ‘war game’ document and a model of the Pentagon in another. Several agents from the seemingly endless Defence Department offshoots provided evidence that they were tracking some of the alleged hijackers but were blocked from above (a possible scenario is the ‘patsy’ hijackers were operatives being manipulated into thinking they were taking part in an exercise or real Jihadi terrorist but both under the control of …..?) The 9/11 Commission Report failed to mention where the funding for such an operation came from, claiming it was “of little practical significance” despite a wire transfer of $100,000 being made to Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker, by the head of the Pakistani Intelligence Service, the I.S.I. only 24hrs before the ‘attacks’. And the report made no mention of WTC Building 7 whatsoever? It is a little known fact that most footage of 9/11 has never been shown on US TV since that day; apparently the public found it too distressing. And in all probability so that some of the infamous quotes made by TV anchors were forgotten, eg: “Anyone who has ever seen a building brought down by controlled demolition knows that to make it to happen you first have to get to the underlying structure”. Another stating that “We heard multiple explosions just before
the tower fell and we ran for our lives”. G. W. Bush once claimed to have seen the first tower hit when it was shown to him after he finished his story. There is only one known piece of footage that only came to light 24hrs later. I could go on…

Larry Silverstein the lease holder of the entire WTC complex re-evaluated his insurance policy in the months prior to 9/11, not only massively increasing the value of the policy but also including a ‘terrorism’ clause should anything untoward happen. He hit the jackpot on 9/11, claiming each event as a separate attack and receiving a double payout. He also made some very odd statements when being interviewed afterwards, which I’ll cover in the next paragraph. Several people were warned not to fly and profits gained from ‘put’ options on United and American Airlines stock value falling (which was trading at 5 times the average daily levels), are still sitting in German banks, unclaimed…

WTC Building 7 also known as the Solomon Brothers Building is seen by many as the ‘smoking gun’ of 9/11. Building 7 was a 47 story steel framed skyscraper which stood one blrck to the north of the main WTC complex. Alone it would have been the tallest building in 33 States. Finished in 1983 it contained; The Emergency Management Centre (‘Giuliani’s Bunker’, unused on 9/11), the Securities & Exchange Commission, the field offices of both the CIA & FBI, & others. Security was tight & access restricted. Unbelievably, a large percentage of US citizens didn’t even know it collapsed on the afternoon of 9/11 approximately 5 hours after the Twin Towers and which was strangely reported 20 minutes before it happened by news anchors in New York whilst still pictured standing in full view of the cameras. It was at that moment that channels lost their satellite links. It underwent a global collapse at near free fall speed straight through its own centre, ending up in a pile, outer walls folded inwards causing no damage to buildings on the other side of the street even though buildings closer to ‘ground zero’ suffered much more damage and survived. Which brings me back to Mr Silverstein. In interview he said, “There had already been such terrible loss of life that the decision was made to ‘pull it’ [WTC 7], so that’s what we did”. ‘Pull it’ is a phrase almost exclusively used by demolition experts. It may not be absolute proof of prior knowledge but as has been pointed out if the decision was taken to pull it, then the preparations had to have been made months in advance, not in 5 hours. WTC 7 was not hit by an aircraft and had a few small fires on several floors but nothing which could explain a synchronised global collapse…


WTC 7 Undergoing Global Collapse

You Can’t Argue with Science unless you happen to be one of the Government owned/funded labs, who all came to the same miraculous conclusions regarding the whys & hows of 9/11. There is simply too much evidence to cover in this article but there are basic pieces of secondary school Newtonian Mechanics that should tell you something simply doesn’t add up. Let’s take ‘pancake theory’ as it became known. This is where one of the Towers, weakened by stress from fires, gave way after only 50 minutes & fell onto the floor below initiating the global collapse, all the way to the ground, floor by floor encountering more than 70 plus completely undamaged floors on the way. Even if this were remotely possible apply Newton’s 3rd law which simplified says “every action has an equal & opposite reaction”. So, as the floor above hits the floor below, the lower floor pushes up in response to being pushed down. Now, even if there was enough energy to sustain this ‘pancake effect’, there would have been a considerable delay as each floor dissipated it’s upward energy. Times this by 70 plus floors and factor in a unrealistically tiny 0.5 second delay per floor and the towers would have taken over 35 seconds to collapse. They collapsed in 12/14 seconds; the same time it would take a billiard ball with only wind resistance to fall the same distance. Plus as Newton discovered in his orchard, Gravity pulls at 90 degrees perpendicular to the Earth and cannot explain how 30 ton sections of steel were thrown 200-400 feet laterally. In the entire history of skyscrapers only three have ever collapsed due to fire; WTC Buildings 1,2 & 7. Skyscrapers have burnt for over 24 hours before & still never collapsed…

On the day of 9/11 I, like millions of others, watched it ‘live’. The very first thing to strike me as odd was the almost ‘Roadrunner’ nature of the hole left by the first plane. There it was, a cardboard cutout of an aircraft, wingtip to wingtip, engines and all. Now, I don’t mean to scare regular air travellers but planes are actually pretty flimsy. We’re told that they hit at almost 500 mph. When an Aluminium aircraft hits massive steel I beams set at 17 inch centres, there is no way the wing tips will destroy the steel beams. If you watch the footage in very slow motion the outline seems to appear as the jet fuel burns off. Turn Newton’s 3rd law on it’s head and imagine swinging one single I beam at a stationary aircrafts wing at 500mph. Would you be left with an intact wing & broken I beam or visa versa..?

The evidence is out there regardless of how secretive the establishment remain. Professor Stephen Jones of BYU has produced indisputable evidence of the presence of Nano-Thermate, a military grade explosive, in the toxic dust (See images at top).  It is fine enough to be added to paint and won’t explode until an ignition source is used. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth (2000 of them) dispute the official narrative & Pilots for 9/11 truth (again numbering in the thousands) including Top Gun & Commercial Pilots say the manoeuvres were simply impossible; aptly demonstrated in a flight simulator by John Lear of Learjet fame, who tried and failed to hit the targets hundreds of times, succeeding only once..?

All of this information is available online and on YouTube. Ask questions and demand answers…

9/11 was effectively part of a conspiracy that led to War Crimes and it’s time someone paid for their actions…

This article is dedicated to all of those directly affected on the day. The heroes involved in the clean up, whose deaths now outnumber those killed in the Towers due to lung disease as a result of toxic dust. The Soldiers who died fighting phoney wars and the millions of dead and displaced nameless families from far away places……


To Be Continued……

A Review of 2014……

31 Dec


‘Thank you to all of my readers during 2014…  Below is an automated summary generated by WordPress…  More to come in 2015…  Bringing you the truth behind the ‘commercial medias’ headlines…..’


The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog:

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 3,700 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 3 trips to carry that many people.


Click here to see the complete report.

Privacy Issues that Affect You……

29 Apr

Forward C/O 38 Degrees38 Degrees


Have you heard about the latest data sell-off? Right now, the taxman, HMRC, is considering a plan to sell our personal tax details to private companies. Our incomes, the amount of tax we pay, and our tax histories could be sold to the highest bidder.

Tory MP David Davis has branded the plan “borderline insane”. But right now, HMRC is thinking about whether to go ahead anyway. If enough of us come together to create a huge petition, it will show HMRC, and the government that we won’t stand for them selling off our tax details.

Can you sign the petition now to demand HMRC rethink these plans?

Only a few months ago NHS England floated plans to sell off our health records. The outcry was huge, with organisations like the Royal College of GPs responding furiously to the idea that individuals might be identifiable from the data. In less than 24 hours, 150,000 members of 38 Degrees pledged to opt out of the scheme. Together, we forced a change of plan. NHS England panicked and paused the sell-off for 6 months.

If we act fast, we can do the same with HMRC. There is already opposition. MPs have criticised the plans. Tax experts have expressed concern, and organisations like Big Brother Watch are worried about “serious risks to privacy.”

A huge petition could make headlines and embarrass HMRC into dropping the idea. Can you add your name now and stop these plans before it’s too late?

Thanks for getting involved,

The 38 Degrees Team……38 Degrees

Click here for the 38 Degrees home page to sign up for the newsletter and add your support (The 38 Degrees membership is often larger than your MPs majority, so together we can effect change).

With Thanks to 38 DegreesDT_Triangle_Banner


Anonymous – The Worlds Third Superpower……

22 Apr

‘Throughout the 20th century Russia and America were the two superpowers in the world with the threat of ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’ holding each other at bay. Now there is a third superpower called Anonymous who, without an arsenal of weaponry at their disposal have the power to bring civilisation to its knees……’


The History of Hacking and Anonymous……?


Way back in the 70s a group of tech-heads, some employed by telephone companies, began ‘Phreakin’, a harmless activity tapping into phone lines and making calls to other Phreakers, or even to themselves via another far off country by hijacking into phone lines through a back door. The process was simple; build a device known as a ‘Bluebox’ with parts from Radio Shack that generated tones. We’re all used to hearing these tones on modern phone equipment but back then numbers were sent as a series of clicks and the tones were used to open and access the lines. Phreakin was a harmless activity and many of the names now associated with modern computing were in on the act from the start such as Steve Wosniac, one of the founders of Apple, and Bill Gates (no introduction needed).


It is from this early form of hacking that the next generation of hackers were born. The most well known amongst them being Anonymous……


Giving Hackers a Bad Name……Guy_Fawkes_01


A lot of hackers hack because they can. They relish the intellectual challenge of deconstructing programmers’ work and that’s as far as most go. Some will even tell the company about the inadequacies in their systems; offering a unique public service. Anonymous are that kind of group. To the best of my knowledge they have not interfered with databases or sought to profit from their activities. They sometimes make their presence known an ‘alternative’ start up screen from the ones the employees are used to seeing. Sadly, there are a few scammers who seek to exploit their access by making money from their victims……


Some Interesting Hacks of Recent Times……


‘Stuxnet’ is one of the hackers more interesting creations. Stuxnet installed itself on millions of innocent computers over the course of about two years. It was harmless to the average PC and you’d never have known it was even there. As it spread it found its way into the Iranians’ nuclear facilities. Stuxnet didn’t steal passwords or access codes, what it did was pure simplicity and hats off to whom created it, thought by many to be the American Secret Services. So, how did Stuxnet work? Almost all modern factory equipment is fitted with computerised ‘controllers’. They tell the machines when they are about to run out of something or if they are moving too fast for the production line ahead. There are thousands of these control boxes in every factory, in every country and in every industry. Stuxnet took control over one such operation; namely the RPM of the centrifuges used in the purification of Uranium. Nobody knows how long Stuxnet had sat quietly waiting to perform its eventual task, which was to tell the centrifuges they were running too slowly and needed to speed up. Meanwhile, running a sub-routine to tell the operators that all was normal. The eventual outcome of all this subterfuge was to accelerate the centrifuges until they shook themselves to bits, all without anybody noticing what was happening and with no idea that their computers had been compromised. “Neat, ha” is how I had it described to me.


The newest kid on the block is ‘Heartbleed’; the extent of its damage to systems is not yet fully known but they made it clear to users of ‘Mumsnet’ that it had been compromised and login data, user name, pass words etc had been accessed. Mumsnet, to the best of my knowledge, doesn’t use card payment systems, so it is pretty safe to say that nothing malicious has come of that intrusion but, people do tend to use the same pass words over and over again. You can hardly blame them, I had a quick tot up all my accounts and I have somewhere around 60 usernames and passwords, so like a lot of people who can’t perform feats of memory akin to remembering the order of a deck of cards, use some more than once and don’t change them nearly enough. Worse still they will often use a child’s name or birthday. My feeling is that the hackers were pointing out a security flaw and not out to raid peoples’ bank accounts; or why make yourself known?




Unless you have a computer connected to a printer that has never been connected to the internet, the chances are you’ll probably have viruses on it. They are unlikely to do any harm, maybe slow you down a little. The big problems lay with the financial institutions, governments and the military. Any system that uses computers and is not completely isolated from the web is vulnerable, no matter how clever the ‘geeks’ that program them. Systems need to access each other to communicate and no system is foolproof. You can guarantee that someone somewhere can find a back door into the system and taken into consideration the computer controlled environment we live in there are ‘geeks’ tapping away at keyboards in basements all over the world, even if their intentions are innocent and they simply relish the challenge.


For all we know there could be a ‘Stuxnet’ quietly installing itself onto your PC right now. To what end nobody can say. Fortunately, it is the geeks that play at hacking for fun; it is the secret services, MI5/6, the CIA and Mossad who are most likely to be tampering with the ‘trigger’. Let’s just hope they don’t get caught by Russia or North Korea, who thinking they are under attack, hit the big red button.


It is groups like Anonymous who help to demonstrate the vulnerabilities of government systems. However, if a member was traced and arrested, would they be hailed as moderators? No, you can almost guarantee that we would be told that a member of a terrorist cell had been apprehended, saving us all from destruction and I’ll bet everything I have on which ‘terrorist’ outfit they are connected to. Yep, the non-geographical, highly organised hyper terrorists ‘al Qaeda’. Don’t be put off by the mud huts and rusty pick-ups with Kalashnikovs crudely mounted on the back. Somewhere there is a high tech volcano where Mohamed Scaramanga is plotting world domination. Let’s hope The Department of Homeland Security finds that volcano before they use the death ray on us……


Big Brother – Beware……

18 Feb

The Care Data Project – A Snoopers Charter……BB_Eye_01

During these times of austerity our Government has announced its latest hugely expensive, unnecessary and intrusive IT project, which based on their track record will cost three times as much as has been budgeted for and not work……

The new database will include medical information collected from your GP and hospital records.  It is unclear if this a re-launch of a proposal made at the start of the coalition or something entirely unconnected.  But, like the last attempt, it is an ‘opt out’ rather than ‘opt in’ system.

nhs_logoThe proposed database is intended to improve patient outcomes and, although the data stored will be anonymous, it is not beyond the capability of hackers to trace its source.  It is unclear at this stage who will have legitimate access to the information stored and as we have learnt, it is not beyond major multinational companies to employ dubious and illegal methods to obtain whatever they need……

GPs have expressed concerns over the new database and although it is reported to be ‘anonymous’, the Police can access the database under certain circumstances; no specific details of what circumstances would warrant this……

The Pharmaceutical industry would also have access.big-brother-01

Cost Benefit Analysis……

In yet another disturbing story, the Government is pushing the BMA and NICE to apply a cost benefit analysis to the prescribing of some medications.  There has been talk of withholding medications from older people.  Although it may be beneficial for the patient, their contribution to society may not be as good as that of a younger man with the same condition.  It is almost as if they are regarding us as batteries……

‘Since writing this article is has become clear that this IT project is the one previously……’


The original article was entitled ’The Snoopers Charter (Cont’d)’ posted on 28 December……

Russell Brand – Revolutionary……?

8 Nov

‘I’ve never found Russell Brand particularly funny but credit where credit’s due, he’s used his celebrity to say what most people are thinking……’

It all started two weeks ago after Russell Brand was invited to be a guest editor for ‘The New Statesman’.  Interviewed shortly afterwards by Jeremy Paxman, Brand in his own leftfield way highlighted some of the obvious political perversions that are abundantly obvious to the majority of the electorate.  Paxman’s retort was to suggest that if you choose not to take part in the electoral system by not voting, then you are not in a position to comment.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Disillusionment with, and disenfranchisement from the political system is not uncommon, especially amongst the young, although this an effect, not a cause.  Let us suppose that every young person with the right to vote enters the booth; faced with nobody they can trust they mark their ballot paper ‘None of the above’.  This may give them the ‘democratic’ legitimacy which Jeremy Paxman requires but still changes nothing.  Let us also suppose that any ballot papers marked with ‘None of the above’ are counted and outweigh all of the others added together.  Although, this effectively gives no-one a mandate to govern, it still will not trigger a change……

Like Russell Brand, and not for the want of trying, I have no alternative solutions to the nefarious, unethical, untrustworthy and sycophantic way in which our so called ‘democracy’ operates.  I’ve read Marx and attempted to think of ways in which a political structure could be truly democratic and drawn a blank.  It is a sad truth but the phrase ‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’, attributed to Lord Acton, is a statement concerning human evolution as much as it is about political power structures.

In a somewhat not unrelated diversion from the subject matter of this article, but one could easily argue a relevant one for a universe whose sole purpose is supposedly to harbour the pinnacle achievement of a divine creator; namely mankind, and then consider the comparison with us; a largely monotheistic anthropocentric mistake in evolution.  Our behaviour, as a species, makes the remaining sadly threatened family groups of Silver Back Mountain Gorillas appear to be more civilised than us as we have the arrogance to think of ourselves as being more civilised than they.  Spend a few hours of your precious time observing them, look into their eyes and see an animal completely at one with itself, its own existence as our distant evolutionary cousins once were.  If you conclude, as I have, disregarded the usual methodology by which we judge intelligence, then the Gorillas are closer to the pinnacle of evolution, you are left with two species from which I can only conclude it is they and not us who are more perfectly adapted to living on this planet.  Making Gorillas closer to the perfect divine creation, should you find it necessary to invoke divinity into your view of the world.

This planet with all its perverse power structures has more than enough resources for every one of its inhabitants.  No one need go hungry, homeless or not have access to education or medical care.  It is only the way in which things are valued and organised that precludes this.  I am not suggesting that some form of communism in which the state provides everybody with an equal income.  There is room for a sliding scale of incomes dependent upon skills.  We simply have to define that scale.  For example a surgeon deserves a good degree of recompense for the skills they offer but so does a hospital porter and both could be adequate to provide a good standard of living.

There comes a cut off point at which income becomes irrelevant.  When somebody reaches the point at which their income is in the millions, it is more than they could ever need or spend.  Therefore, there has to be a way in which all can be recompensed for their contribution; I just haven’t worked out the details yet.

Who would have thought that Russell Brand would be the person to start the conversation about fairness but now that he has we should grasp the opportunity and seek a resolution to the disparity that exists before the messy business of a French style revolution starts.  And be in no doubt, we are at a point where, like the ‘Arab Spring’, revolution is a very real possibility……


Terrorism, Planes and Bureaucracy……

12 Oct

‘You may have been under the impression that since 9/11 flying has never been safer and you’d have been right, but not as a result of terrorism……’ 

Just How Safe is Flying……?

The chance of being involved in an air incident, terrorist or otherwise, is astonishingly small.  It is approximately 11 million to 1 or, by way of comparison, you are far more likely to die in a fatal road accident travelling to the airport or, die from natural causes in the time elapsed since booking your ticket and surprisingly, if you were involved in an accident your chances of survival are still around 50/50.  Nevertheless, you might imagine that the airlines have installed all of the latest technologies designed to detect a terrorist attempting to board and combined all of the worldwide intelligence available to disrupt an attempt; on either count you’d be wrong……


Technology is always improving and has now reached the point at which a full body scanner is available that allows security staff to effectively ‘see through’ clothing; this sits alongside the traditional doorway metal detector.  Its introduction has caused controversy due to privacy concerns, although if you see the system in action the image the operator sees is akin to a 3D shop-front dummy.  Doubtless there are individuals who might ‘get off’ on seeing a computerised 3D image of fat middle aged business men but I’m sceptical they’d attempt to work their way up through the airport security business simply to get themselves into a position where they could become an imagine operator when all they’d need to do is log on, enter a few choice search terms, and voila, Google will provide them with all the material needed to satisfy their sick and twisted desires [other internet search engines are available, for now at least].

Baggage scanning has been around for years although was not routinely used on all checked in baggage until after 9/11.  Swabbing an individual’s hand luggage has also been around for many years but, like all security, relies on the instinct and training of handlers.  I have a friend who was caught out by this system when traces of Cocaine were found on his toothbrush by US immigration officials.  His explanation of the ten dollar call girl having used it the morning after got him out of that scrape; I’m not so sure how he explained it to his wife however!

Not all Airports are Equal……

The majority of the major hub airports have the security measures described above but smaller ones don’t and just how difficult would it be to hire a sightseeing trip whilst on ‘holiday’ with which to make mischief?

Information is Power……

Since 9/11 the airlines have cooperated by supplying lists of passengers to their allies.  The problem with lists is who goes on them and why.  The US has four such lists, the first of which is ‘persons of interest’ and numbers 600,000 names.  Bearing in mind the way in which Muslims name their children, there’s an awful lot of Mohamed, Abdul, Osama’s and combinations thereof.  Plus, as any victim of Microsoft will tell you, the software is only as good as the person who wrote it.  Taken into account that there are 1,423,500,000 people taking flights each year and you soon end up with information overload and one hell of a cross referencing task.  The list of misdemeanours that can get you onto the database is wide ranging and can be something as simple having been arrested at a student demonstration years ago.  There is also the problem of radicalised terrorists who have never had so much as a parking ticket and are unlikely to be flagged up by an automated system……

How Useful have the Security Systems Been……

Thus far not a single terrorist incident has been discovered with the technology on offer.  In December 2009 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to bring down Northwest Airlines flight 253 bound for Detroit on Christmas day.  His journey began in Ghana, changing planes at Schipol, Amsterdam, one of the worlds’ most sophisticated airports with all of the security systems discussed.  Having cleared security at both Ghana and Amsterdam he successfully boarded Northwest Airlines flight 253.  Throughout his journey he had a small package of an explosive called PETN in his underwear.  His plan was to inject a small amount TATP into the package theoretically resulting in a chemical reaction and explosion.  Thankfully, and solely down to luck, the bomb failed to go off and the flight landed without incident (discounting a pair of very scorched bollocks and DIY Brazilian).  The explosive, PETN, was the same explosive as Richard Reid, the failed shoe bomber, had tried to use in an earlier incident, leading to the extra security precaution of passing passengers’ shoes through the X-Ray device.  It also led to the restriction on the quantity of liquids allowed in hand luggage……

Failure to Act on Information……

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was not your stereotypical image of a suicide bomber.  He was the son of a successful banker, well educated, well spoken and not at first appearance a Muslim.  Following discussions with his father in which he expressed the view that his father’s work was ‘immoral’ and ‘un-Islamic’, his father became concerned that his son was becoming radicalised.  On November 19th Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s father spoke with two CIA officers at the US Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria to express his concerns about his son.  The CIA added Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s name to the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment list, the lowest threat category of the four lists used by US Intelligence Services.  No other action was taken and Abdulmutallab’s student visa was not revoked which enabled him to board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 without so much as a blinking computer icon……

A Lucky Escape……

Considering the intelligence available, the fact that Abdulmutallab evaded two airport security checks and a miscalculation of the amount of chemicals needed to explode the device, the December 2009 incident was indeed a lucky escape for the passengers of flight 253 which would have been destroyed on its final approach to Detroit.  But the fact remains; no amount of technology will make commercial air travel failsafe.  Intelligence is perhaps a glorified term for what is actually information and computer geeks have a term ‘GIGO’, which means garbage in, garbage out.  Probably the most effective security device in any airport is the human being at the gate.  They posses something that technology and computers don’t; instinct, and it is that which proves the most useful tool in the ‘war on terror’……

And One Final Thought……

Perhaps, if the ‘civilised’ countries of the West took a long hard look at what is going on in their own back yards and the effect that global consumerism is having on ‘the axis of evil’ there would be significantly less radicalised individuals and organisations hell bent on perpetrating headline grabbing acts of terrorism to highlight the inequality and hypocrisy under which we live.  Somehow, without the removal of Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Paulson and the rest of the Neo-Conservative zealots, along with the World Bank, Federal Reserve, IMF, Bank of England, Central European Bank that they effectively control, halting the development in most of Sub-Saharan Africa and most of Asia, the trouble will continue conveniently categorised as ‘religious extremism’ even though 99.999% of Muslims are peace loving people going about their daily business just like the rest of us.

The Al Qaeda myth has been allowed to grow under the influence of the western media.  They started off as a group in Afghanistan under the leadership of one Osama Bin Laden, whose family are close friends and business partners of the Bush family.  Blamed for the 9/11 ‘false flag’ attack on the US they have now spread all over the globe.  Any pissed off Muslim is automatically labelled ‘Al Qaeda’ whether they have anything to do with them or not.  They are nothing more than a replacement for the ‘reds under the bed’ after the fall of the Soviet Union; the perfect enemy.  They come in all colours, from all countries, are of all ages and sexes.  In the PNAC document, written by the Neo-Cons a year before 9/11, they talk of a ‘war without end’ against an ‘unseen enemy’ and even the need for a catalysing event like a ‘new Pearl Harbour’ to rapidly advance their plans.  And hey presto……

Search for PNAC PDF to read their sinister plan……

‘Guess that’s me on the no fly list……’


9/11: Facts and Fiction……

11 Sep

It is 13 years since the world changed forever due to an act of terrorism that was conducted on American soil.  Many unanswered questions remain regarding who, how and why it happened, or more precisely, why it was allowed to happen.

When any world changing event happens, even if it is has a simple explanation, conspiracy theories arise surrounding it.  Conspiracy theories are a useful tool for governments’ secret services, for the more the stories develop, the easier it becomes to hide the truth.  9/11 is no different.  There are numerous stories of who was behind the attack and who stood to gain from it, all of which just adds more layers of confusion to the reality of what actually happened.

However, certain things do not change.  Answers to questions for which there should only be one, if events happened as portrayed, should not be vague, should not be evasive and most certainly should not change or be factually inaccurate.

There are some questions about 9/11 that are as described above; definitive.  Any deviation from the only true answer can mean only one thing.  The person answering it is lying, and if they are lying about one thing you can bet they’ll be lying about others……

Undisputable Lies and Deception……

Jules and Gedeon Naudet where the French documentary film makers who were making a film about the New York Fire Department on 9/11.  It is they and only they who filmed the first plane hit the World Trade Centre.  This now iconic piece of footage did not reach the mainstream media until several hours after the event, yet the Commander in Chief, President George W. Bush has claimed on two occasions to have watch the event happen on live TV shortly before leaving his hotel room for the Booker Elementary School where he casually sat and listened to the children read from ‘The Pet Goat’, even when his security advisor whispered in his ear that the US was under attack.  So, right from the start the lies began.  This is not a simple mistake or confusion on the part of George Bush; it is a lie.

The lies continued to flow from senior members of the administration.  Condoleezza Rice proclaimed that they had no prior knowledge of the attack, or that an attack of the type used had even been considered.  Again, lies.  The US had been warned by many of its allies of the potential for an attack, specifying dates, and the FBI and CIA had the scenario on their security briefings.  Bush made the same claims.  More lies.

Osama Bin Laden……

Within 24 hrs of 9/11 before the dust had settled over Manhattan it was announced that the terrorist plot was masterminded by Osama Bin Laden.  There was no proof of this and nothing linking him to 9/11.  In fact, Bin Laden publicly denied any involvement.  For a man who was supposedly the leader of the biggest terror network in the world you would have expected him to take the credit even if it wasn’t him.  The ‘proof’ that Bin Laden was behind 9/11 surfaced on a grainy video tape recovered from a house in Afghanistan.  Close examination of this tape shows a man who vaguely resembles Osama Bin Laden only the man on the video is right handed when Bin Laden is known to be left handed.  He also wears a wedding ring.  Something a devout Muslim would not do.  The translation of the tape is also a cause for some dispute.  Whilst the man in the video praises 9/11, he makes no claim for its execution.  The Bush administration was clutching at straws by this time and anything linking Bin Laden to 9/11 was good enough for George W Bush.  To this day Osama Bin Laden has not been indicted for 9/11.  The FBI admits there is nothing linking him to it.  Nor was he a friend of Saddam Hussein, a point put forward by Bush in support of the invasion of Iraq.

The Smoking Gun……

As far as the 9/11 Truth Movement is concerned the failure to explain the complete collapse of the twin towers at free fall speed, and that of WTC building 7, which collapsed later that afternoon having not been hit by an aircraft and only having small fires burning on a few floors.  The 9/11 commission report did not even mention building 7 and many demolition experts agree it was a controlled demolition, something which is upheld by Larry Silverstein’s statement that they decided to ‘pull it’, a term used by demolition experts.  This begs the question how during the chaos of 9/11 a building could have been rigged for demolition; a process that usually takes weeks of planning……


The work done by Prof. Steven Jones which has identified traces of chemicals used in demolitions, has been dismissed by the administration without an explanation of where these chemicals came from……

Here is a selection of images showing steel columns with the classic 45 degree cut, molten metal running from the cuts.  These simply would not have existed in a gravity driven collapse, which, we are told, caused the collapse of WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7……

Setting Cutter Charges

Setting Cutter Charges

On The Pile

On The Pile

Multiple Cut Columns

Multiple Cut Columns

Diagonal Cut in Storage

Diagonal Cut in Storage

As you can see from the many diagonally cut columns that would not have happened by chance.  As if any more proof of ‘false flag’ terrorism were needed……

Search previous 9/11 blog posts for more info and keep up the pressure and enlightenment……

