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Karl McCartney MP – Looking Out 4 Number 1 – 2020

26 Jan

First Published in 2011

‘Who’d have believed that Lincoln’s rudest Conservative MP would be back?  With the usual repugnant air of self-importance, he’s full of empty promises that will bring no benefits to his constituents, but will almost certainly help Karl…’

It is the job of your MP to represent your views in the Houses of Parliament. That applies whether you voted for them or not; they are still your representative in the House. They should gauge opinion and express it when it comes to voting on legislation. Karl McCartney not only ignores the opinions of individual constituents but he actively ‘filters out’ a whole public lobby, specifically by discounting the opinions of people who follow political debate and proposed legislation through social media

38 Degrees

38 Degrees is a legitimate public interest website. It does not claim any political affiliation; it simply raises issues that are important to the people of this country and which are not prioritised in traditional media. However, 38 Degrees seems to be Karl’s antithesis. Perhaps they are a little too close to the truth? 38 Degrees ‘members’ are just subscribers to updates and information regarding laws that may be under review, as well as other vital stories that would pass them by without the likes of 38 Degrees.
There are many websites that perform similar functions and gauging public opinion through Social Media was actively pursued as a policy in the new ‘transparency’ era. You can raise an e-petition to get your voice heard in Parliament, so a modern MP should be able to gauge opinion through social media and they have flunkies to deal with the tech, so there are no excuses……

Thank you for contacting Karl McCartney, Member of Parliament for Lincoln. This is an automatic response acknowledging the receipt of your email.

If you are a constituent raising an issue (or acting on behalf of a constituent), we will reply by hard copy. If you have not already done so, please re-send your email with your full postal address.

Under Parliamentary protocol, MPs are only able to take up individual cases on behalf of their own constituents. If you are not a constituent living in Lincoln, you will need to contact your own MP. You can confirm the identity of your MP by following this link:

Please note that we no longer respond to mass email campaigns initiated by organisations such as 38 Degrees. However, please be rest assured that your email will be read and noted.

The Crux of the Matter…
Karl McCartney MP has shown complete disregard and disrespect for the people he is paid a substantial amount of money to represent. He considers 38 Degrees to be “a left-wing propaganda website”, and its subscribers whom he said, “[They are] inarticulate and incapable of thinking for themselves”. The opinion of hundreds of people who bothered to click a link to express their concern to Karl makes that opinion worthless purely due to its source. Karl’s techno boys have found a way to send an automated reply that states they actively ignore emails initiated by 38 Degrees (who are named).

So that’s Karl McCartney’s views on important campaigns to save our NHS and proceed carefully with Fracking, to name just two. In taking this attitude he is dismissing the opinion of nearly 4 million people, 25,000 in his constituency.
I expect my MP to have his finger on the pulse and represent the views of the people he represents, not his own self-centred, bigoted agenda. I’m sure Japan International Tobacco doesn’t have their emails filtered…….
‘Don’t forget that a letter requires a written response and answers to the questions asked. You can write to Karl McCartney MP at: The House of Commons, London. SW1A 0AA. I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear from you…….

Further Updates on the activities of Karl McCartney MP to follow……

Carillion – The Latest Government Contract to Backfire……

29 Jan

For the past 30 years successive UK Governments have been selling off or contracting out this country’s assets in one form or another.  From Nationalised Industries to the Gold Reserves held by the Bank of England.  Carillion is just another failed initiative in a catalogue or errors…..’

Government’s Bad Planning and Expensive Mistakes for Tax Payers……

Although the underhanded ‘quid pro quo’ dealing of the country’s ‘elite’ is as old as government itself.  The particularly damaging policy of ‘privatisation’ was Mrs. Thatcher’s personal priorities.  We’ll get to the whereabouts of the gold reserves and other costly mistakes later but for now here’s a partial list of some the country’s assets they sold:

  • British Petroleum  – 1979
  • British Aerospace – 1981
  • Cable & Wireless – 1981
  • Amersham International – 1982
  • National Freight Corporation – 1982
  • BritOil – 1982
  • Associated British Ports – 1883
  • Enterprise Oil – 1984
  • Jaguar – 1984
  • British Telecommunications – 1984o
  • British Ship Builders – 1985
  • British Gas – 1986
  • British Airways – 1987
  • Rolls Royce – 1987
  • B.A.A. – 1987
  • British Steel – 1988  
  • Water – 1989
  • Electricity – 1990

The party line was that competition was better for the consumer and released the government from its financial obligations to Nationalised Industries.  The empirical evidence would suggest otherwise.  There is an obvious reason why a public services and business are totally incompatible.  The number one priority of a public service is precisely that, to deliver the best possible service to the public. Whereas, a company’s main priority is to deliver profits for its shareholders, increasing year upon year.  This appears to have worked perfectly.  The level of service and investment has fallen whilst profits have risen…

In some instances there were sectors of publicly run companies which made wholesale privatisation untenable, so they were broken up; the profitable parts sold off, leaving the unprofitable parts in public ownership.  Nowhere is this more apparent than in the nuclear power industry.  Due to the uncertainty and long term nature of decommissioning, cleaning, storage of toxic and radioactive waste, the nuclear industries were put under the umbrella of British Nuclear Fuels in 1971.  However, in 1984 it became British Nuclear Fuels Limited, floated on the stock exchange, under the control of a Government appointed, ‘independent’ regulator

The profitable parts of the industry, such as power generation were given to the privatised electricity companies whilst the ‘hot potatoes’ remain in government hands and have been, you guessed it, contracted out.  The current estimates for cleaning up range from £119 billion to £220 billion over the next 120 years.  In all probability, as solutions to some issues  remain unresolved, the final bill could be 2 or 3 times the current estimate.  I fail to imagine that any company can give an accurate estimate of an as yet undecided way to proceed.  We currently have nowhere to store highly toxic, radioactive waste.  It isn’t only the nuclear power industry that has these problems.  Many of the privatised industries were broken up before sale, leaving a burden on the tax payer……

What Happened to the Country’s Gold…..?

The ‘gold standard’ existed into the 20th Century.  With an internationally agreed price it was a way of standardising currency exchange and demonstrating a country’s wealth.  On a  $10 dollar bill it used to state ‘This $10 bill is redeemable for $10 worth of gold’.  Not anymore.  The whys and wherefores of the gold standard was decided at a large meeting between the US Government, the banking dynasties and major company bosses during the Great Depression.  All of the key players attended:  Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Chase, Rockerfella, Rothschild; the list goes on.  Now that gold was no longer a measure of a country’s wealth the ‘Federal’ banks were free to sell gold on the open market.  They also used the country’s financial crisis to buy out smaller banks leaving us with monopoly of banking institutions we are all so familiar with…

Between July ’99 and March ’02 Gordon Brown, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer sold 58% of the Bank of England’s total gold reserves.  Some 395 tonnes of the 715 tonnes in the vault.  Not only did he sell it but he sold it in a depressed market.  Its value increased from the original $256.20 per ounce in July 1999, to $1,780.65 in just over 10 years…

The Private Finance Initiative – The Labour Parties Worst Policy Ideas……

The policy was so bad, as was the burden on UK Tax Payers that it was rebranded the Public Private Partnership, although this did nothing to improve public perception, change policy or lower the cost.  The basic premise of PFI/PPP was simple and sounded almost plausible…

How PFI Works……

The traditional way for the government to build a new piece of infrastructure, such as a hospital, a school, or a new road, was to raise the money in taxes, or borrow it from the Bank of England, and then pay contractors to deliver the project.  The finished project was then handed to the relevant Government department to run.  After that, the public sector would own the asset.  However, under PFI it was the builders who borrowed from private markets.  But how could the builders afford to make loan repayments until the endowment ended.  Simple, if you have the exclusive contract for maintenance… 

The state then pays the builder (or a separate company that buys out the contract) to effectively lease the building or piece of infrastructure over several decades; like an endowment mortgage the asset becomes wholey state owned.
The theoretical justification for PFI is that the private sector is more efficient at delivering and managing infrastructure projects than civil servants. PFI also supposedly transfers the financial risk of a construction project over-running from the public to the private sector.  Another benefit sometimes cited is that PFI financially incentivises builders to improve the quality and speed of their work too, since they will be the ones maintaining the asset after construction.  To top it off the U.K. Tax Payer also has the capital expenditure removed from the Treasury’s accounts.  Giving the impression that the economy is doing well.

Although in principle this seems like a workable idea which places hardly any burden on tax payers it came with one big caveat; the contractors had an exclusive right for the maintanance of the building until it was handed over, and this was to be covered by the tax payer.  It soon became obvious how a company can build and lease it back to the Government whilst turning over big profits for the duration.

Here are just some of the ridiculous bills for one hospitals maintainance:

  • £466 to replace a lightbulb 
  • £242 for a padlock
  • £75 for an air freshener 
  • £13,704 to install 3 new light fittings in a corridor
  • £8,450 installation of a dishwasher
  • £997 for a TV cabinet 
  • £929 to swap a single socket for a double
  • £676 putting up 4 fire assembly point signs
  • £198 to mend a door handle 
  • £112 putting a whiteboard 

And the list goes on.  By the time the 20 year leasing arrangements are completed the cost to the tax payer will be over £20 billion.  Hardlya good deal for UK Tax Payers when you consider the cost of undertaking the work itself…

The Mamoth IT Blunders……

Alongside the many costly policies the Government is well known for its expensive IT blunders that either, didn’t work at all, worked partially or were simply ‘not fit for purpose’.  The cost overruns and time delays are legendary.

An IT scheme designed to integrate the Department for Transport hyping it’s human resources and financial services, and also save the taxpayer £57 million? If this sounds too be true, it’s because that’s what it turned out to be. Far from saving money, the scheme ended up costing £81 million due to management ineptitude described by the Public Accounts Committee as an exhibition of “stupendous incompetence”.

An IT scheme designed to allocate subsidies to farms was originally forecast to cost £155 million, but the programme has ended up costing more like £215 million. The scheme has delayed payments to farmers and incurred increasing penalties from the European Commission.

According to a Public Accounts Committee report, the three key bodies trusted to deliver the programme could not work together effectively. It found that there was a lack of consistent priorities and changes in leadership, which caused havoc and delay. Its focus on developing a digital front-end was “inappropriate for farmers” due to the frequently poor broadband in rural areas.  

The Scottish Parliament Building has been controversial for a host of things, including its location, architect and design – it’s described by one particularly glorious TripAdvisor review as a “grotesque brutalist mess” – but the reason a public enquiry was made into its construction was because of constant delays and its escalating cost. Initially scheduled to inaugurate in 2001, its doors finally opened three years later with an estimated cost of £414million, much higher than its original estimate of £10-40 million. The inquiry found incompetence in the management of the entire project, including fulfilment of cost and the way major design changes were added.

The cost hasn’t stopped there. Figures have revealed that the building’s average repair bill has reached £141,000 per month, five times the figure during the building’s first year. This means that since 2004, maintenance costs have set taxpayers back by £11 million, which of course is higher than some of the initial estimates for the cost of constructing the building itself.

The Greatest NHS IT Blunder…

Instant access to patients records from anywhere.  It sounds like the Shangrilla of vital information. In September 2013, an NHS patient record system that would have been the world’s largest non-military IT system was abandoned, in what could be the most catastrophic IT failure ever seen by the government. The failed centralised e-record system cost the taxpayer over £10 billion, £3.6 billion more than ministers had anticipated.

From the outset, the project was plagued by delays. The delivery of core systems was stalled due to fears that some software was not fit for purpose. After seven years, only 13 acute trusts out of 169 received the full patient administration systems they were agreed under the National Programme. The new systems also caused chaos for many users; a newly-installed IT system lost Barts NHS Trust thousands of patient records, delaying the treatment of urgent cases, costing millions in additional staff and warranting an internal investigation. The Milton Keynes Foundation Trust wrote a cautionary letter to the times about the inefficacy of their system, and warning others not to use it. 

The Ministry of Defence’s secure military network was built to help British troops operate more effectively around the world. The MoD gave parliament a figure of £2.3 billion, but a report by MPs has shown that they knew that the project would cost at least £5.8 billion. The true figure has since risen to at least £7.1 billion. By 2008, the programme was running at least 18 months late, had provided only 29,000 of a contracted 63,000 terminals, and had supplied none of the contracted Secret capability.

According to the then chairman of the Public Accounts Committee Edward Leigh, there was no suitable pilot carried out for such a multifaceted programme. The condition of the Department’s buildings where the system was to be installed was badly miscalculated due to insufficient research.
These disasters could all have been adverted by better planning and listening to expert advice. 
The cost to the tax payer in relation to these failed IT projects is exceptional.  Every major IT project cost nearly 3 times the original quotes and took 3 times as long as predicted.  Many still don’t work and although we see doctors and nurses with their Tablet computers, the system is deemed so unreliable that notes are transcribe to paper for safe storage……

Carillion – A Company with Almost No Assets…..

Carillion is more of a management consultantcy than a subcontractor.  I’m sure the latest PowerPoint presentation looked great but if the Government had been listening to the Office of Budget Responsibly and Public Accounts Committee things may have been different.  Profit warnings and a gaping hole in the pension pot (remember BHS) should’ve led to a complete end to any further contracts being awarded, however, Carillion continued to pick up more and more contracts.  As I said Carillion is just a huge management consultant rather than a subcontractor.  Its flags wave above thier prestige projects but it owns almost nothing on the site apart from the flag.  Its assets are virtually worthless considering the size of the contracts they have in their portfolio which is made up almost exclusively of Government contracts…

Too big to fail……

Carillion provide school meals, cleaning and maintenance in hospitals, alongside dozens of other services to nursing homes etc.  That is why a solution must be found.  So far the Government’s only solution is to fund this disaster itself, at an estimated cost of £200 billion.  While loyal Carillion workers worry about how their pensions will be paid, the board have chosen to keep their astronomical bonuses and unnecessarily large pay chequers…

The Classification “Too Big to Fail” is Wholly Down to Bad Government Policy…..

Carillion is no different to the financial institutions we had to bailout 10 years ago.  If you put all of your eggs in one basket as they say.  We could’ve simply taken the banks into public hands instead of handing over tens of billions in bailouts.  Even though most people you ask will tell you how bad things have been during the recession, the banks have continued to make money.  It would suggest that it’s the tax payer is responsible for the ‘to big to fail’ payouts whilst the profits made post bailout is still reaching the pockets of the ‘one percenters’.  If the majority of contracts go to one international organisation they become by definition too big to fail, which if distilled to the basics is this; ‘the club’ relies on these unbreakable contracts to make money for both sides.  It’s just that we’re not one of the sides.  As per usual with these badly thought out policies and certain ‘select’ companies benefitting hugely, we have yet to see any politicians or board members loosing their jobs and being stripped of their ill gotten gains…

It Isn’t Over Yet……

Capita is yet another favoured service provider to the DWP and many local councils.   However, they too are balanced on a knife edge.  If/when Capita fails they too will, doubtless, be deemed too big to fail.  And as for BREXIT, I voted in or out; not for ten or more years of a negotiated contract at great cost to the UK economy.  God only knows how many companies will deemed too big to fail during the exit process.

We don’t live in a Democracy.  We live in a Duocracy where we have a choice of Labour and Conservative, and both have a proven track record of making things worse for us and better for a select few.  Isn’t it time for a major rethink?

And Finally……
‘One of the major problems in society today is the Internet, our manufactured way of life and the way in which all politicians lie or give the answer to a question that wasn’t even asked. People add thier name to an online petition which is the least effective way to protest. If we ever want change it will only come from direct action……’

Stephen P. Walker


12 Jun

‘Demos – The People: Kratia – Power, Rule (Greek).  The power of the people, or maybe not……’

Following the latest debacle of an election, you can give it whatever label you choose, but ‘democracy’ is most certainly is not.  The Conservative Party received less than 50% of the votes cast. So, if more than half of the population wanted the country to be administered by someone other than the Conservatives, how can this be in any way democratic?  Yes, they have formed a minority Government but due to our lack of proportional representation and The Parliament Act, they will still be able to put in place whatever policies they deem fit whether more than half the populous agree……

Regardless of the self serving flaws in our ‘democratic’ system whoever is in control they are under no obligation to deliver their manifesto promises. This is clearly demonstrated by the previous two administrations (although this stands ad infinitum); in both of the last two elections the key promises of economic stability, economic growth, a better standard of living, improvements in public services, control over immigration and the reduction/elimination of public debt failed in all cases……

In reality the gap between rich and poor has never been wider since WWII. The economically disadvantaged have little, if any, chance of improving their situation. Our public health services have never been in such disarray, police numbers are down on previous years and education has become yet another victim of private sector interests. Despite the promises of the past 7 weeks, nothing will change…..

Good news, however, if you happen to be a multinational company. Workers’ rights continue to be eroded by zero hours contracts, tax avoidance is just as easy as ever and worth every donation to political parties who are making no attempt whatsoever to end it……

The real result of the general election is the certainty that the rich will get richer whilst everyone else either stagnates or moves further down the economic ladder. The Military Industrial Complex will continue to grow and who knows where ‘Brexit’ will leave us but it won’t be better off……


A Voice of Reason in Troubled Times……

10 Nov

In light of the outcome of the US Presidential election I thought I’d publish a quote from another US President; equally as controversial as the current President Elect but for very different reasons.  I understand the public’s disenfranchisement with the establishment and their reasons for voting for an ‘anti-politician’ like Donald Trump, but I believe what President Elect Trump was trying to express, aside the overt racism and sexism, was put much more eloquently by President Kennedy more than 50 years earlier.  Had he lived, the politics of division, rhetorical sound bites and media misrepresentation may have turned out differently……

The President and The Press 

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”
John F. Kennedy – 27 April 1961.

The current state of politics is one of diversion from the reality of what is actually happening in the world.  Politicians started the “War on Terror” based on some very dubious reasoning and have used the instability  created to fuel division and fear in society.  Neoconservative political rhetoric homes in on the common enemy, simplifying the complicated issues of displaced ethnic groups into the immigration debate through fear. In doing so they blended all immigration together to give the impression that it is largely to blame for the shortcomings in our health, housing and education systems; leading to an oxymoronic form of ‘politically correct’ racism.  The truth of the matter is that the Military Industrial Complex is doing good business but requires a polarised world view among the electorate to continue its expansion…

The other area of deception is within the very foundation of our economic model, where again they simplify a complicated system, which increases the wealth of its masters whether in boom or bust.  Central, currency issuing banks and the fractional reserve banking system serves only its masters, but we are given the impression that some huge global event led us to where we are now and only by cutting public services and taxing the population can we thrive.  Again, political rhetoric places the blame elsewhere and creates yet more division in society thinly disguised as a cohesive policy…More and more people are becoming enlightened to the reality of the way in which the system is rigged but, in parallel with the Arab Spring, a form of ‘anti-politics’ is spreading, leading down the Donald Trump path to emancipation from a self serving, corrupt leadership.  However, this is extremism of a different, but nonetheless dangerous kind…

Whilst the enlightened see the need to reform the ‘establishment’ and dismantle the current globalist order, a swing to the polar opposite is just as dangerous as the status quo…

9/11 – Mission Accomplished……

11 Sep

It’s now been 17 years since 19 hijackers boarded four commercial aircraft, flying one into the Pentagon, one into each of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre and one into a field in Pensilvania. That’s still the official version and despite increasing public dissatisfaction and mounting evidence to the contrary, they’re sticking to it……’

Conspiracy Theorists have, apparently, cobbled together their own version of what they think happened. Unfortunately, due to some of the more ridiculous conspiracy theories on the World Wide Web, many completely unrelated to 9/11, the tightly controlled ‘free press’ label any ‘conspiracy theorist’ a deluded crackpot; insinuating that any challenge made to the official story is some ludicrous concoction dreamt up by crazy people, (which admittedly some are). However, there are large groups of professionals including pilots, physicists, engineers, ex-military/CIA/NSA operatives, architects, demolition experts and hundreds of thousands of others with the ability to reason, who are neither ‘crackpots’, ‘crazy’ or ‘deluded’ and have perfectly valid questions. If you’re obsessive enough and cross check details applying the scientific method I can say with 100 percent certainty is that the official story is simply not true. When FOI requests or questions are asked, no explanation is given, are hidden for ‘security purposes’, though it’s never clear whose security, or dismissed under the ‘conspiracy theorist’ banner. History is, however, littered with documented, proven False Flag ‘terrorist’ attacks such as the burning of the Reichstag building, attributed to an unemployed Dutch brick layer who just happened to be nearby and used by Hitler’s propaganda machine as proof of a Communist threat to push through draconian legislation. Sound familiar? Google ‘False Flag terrorist attacks’ and you’ll find hundreds of examples (Mostly executed by the U.S.)…

Small things add up, or don’t. For example, in the immediate aftermath Bush, Rice, Cheney and many other top officials all publicly stated that they had absolutely no incline ‘terrorists’ might use commercial aircraft as flying suicide bombs and that they had “no warnings”. Both statements which have been proven to be untrue. They ran scenarios where planes were used, even featuring an image of the WTC in crosshairs on the cover of one such ‘war game’ document and a model of the Pentagon in another. Several agents from the seemingly endless Defence Department offshoots provided evidence that they were tracking some of the alleged hijackers but were blocked from above (a possible scenario is the ‘patsy’ hijackers were operatives being manipulated into thinking they were taking part in an exercise or real Jihadi terrorist but both under the control of …..?) The 9/11 Commission Report failed to mention where the funding for such an operation came from, claiming it was “of little practical significance” despite a wire transfer of $100,000 being made to Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker, by the head of the Pakistani Intelligence Service, the I.S.I. only 24hrs before the ‘attacks’. And the report made no mention of WTC Building 7 whatsoever? It is a little known fact that most footage of 9/11 has never been shown on US TV since that day; apparently the public found it too distressing. And in all probability so that some of the infamous quotes made by TV anchors were forgotten, eg: “Anyone who has ever seen a building brought down by controlled demolition knows that to make it to happen you first have to get to the underlying structure”. Another stating that “We heard multiple explosions just before
the tower fell and we ran for our lives”. G. W. Bush once claimed to have seen the first tower hit when it was shown to him after he finished his story. There is only one known piece of footage that only came to light 24hrs later. I could go on…

Larry Silverstein the lease holder of the entire WTC complex re-evaluated his insurance policy in the months prior to 9/11, not only massively increasing the value of the policy but also including a ‘terrorism’ clause should anything untoward happen. He hit the jackpot on 9/11, claiming each event as a separate attack and receiving a double payout. He also made some very odd statements when being interviewed afterwards, which I’ll cover in the next paragraph. Several people were warned not to fly and profits gained from ‘put’ options on United and American Airlines stock value falling (which was trading at 5 times the average daily levels), are still sitting in German banks, unclaimed…

WTC Building 7 also known as the Solomon Brothers Building is seen by many as the ‘smoking gun’ of 9/11. Building 7 was a 47 story steel framed skyscraper which stood one blrck to the north of the main WTC complex. Alone it would have been the tallest building in 33 States. Finished in 1983 it contained; The Emergency Management Centre (‘Giuliani’s Bunker’, unused on 9/11), the Securities & Exchange Commission, the field offices of both the CIA & FBI, & others. Security was tight & access restricted. Unbelievably, a large percentage of US citizens didn’t even know it collapsed on the afternoon of 9/11 approximately 5 hours after the Twin Towers and which was strangely reported 20 minutes before it happened by news anchors in New York whilst still pictured standing in full view of the cameras. It was at that moment that channels lost their satellite links. It underwent a global collapse at near free fall speed straight through its own centre, ending up in a pile, outer walls folded inwards causing no damage to buildings on the other side of the street even though buildings closer to ‘ground zero’ suffered much more damage and survived. Which brings me back to Mr Silverstein. In interview he said, “There had already been such terrible loss of life that the decision was made to ‘pull it’ [WTC 7], so that’s what we did”. ‘Pull it’ is a phrase almost exclusively used by demolition experts. It may not be absolute proof of prior knowledge but as has been pointed out if the decision was taken to pull it, then the preparations had to have been made months in advance, not in 5 hours. WTC 7 was not hit by an aircraft and had a few small fires on several floors but nothing which could explain a synchronised global collapse…


WTC 7 Undergoing Global Collapse

You Can’t Argue with Science unless you happen to be one of the Government owned/funded labs, who all came to the same miraculous conclusions regarding the whys & hows of 9/11. There is simply too much evidence to cover in this article but there are basic pieces of secondary school Newtonian Mechanics that should tell you something simply doesn’t add up. Let’s take ‘pancake theory’ as it became known. This is where one of the Towers, weakened by stress from fires, gave way after only 50 minutes & fell onto the floor below initiating the global collapse, all the way to the ground, floor by floor encountering more than 70 plus completely undamaged floors on the way. Even if this were remotely possible apply Newton’s 3rd law which simplified says “every action has an equal & opposite reaction”. So, as the floor above hits the floor below, the lower floor pushes up in response to being pushed down. Now, even if there was enough energy to sustain this ‘pancake effect’, there would have been a considerable delay as each floor dissipated it’s upward energy. Times this by 70 plus floors and factor in a unrealistically tiny 0.5 second delay per floor and the towers would have taken over 35 seconds to collapse. They collapsed in 12/14 seconds; the same time it would take a billiard ball with only wind resistance to fall the same distance. Plus as Newton discovered in his orchard, Gravity pulls at 90 degrees perpendicular to the Earth and cannot explain how 30 ton sections of steel were thrown 200-400 feet laterally. In the entire history of skyscrapers only three have ever collapsed due to fire; WTC Buildings 1,2 & 7. Skyscrapers have burnt for over 24 hours before & still never collapsed…

On the day of 9/11 I, like millions of others, watched it ‘live’. The very first thing to strike me as odd was the almost ‘Roadrunner’ nature of the hole left by the first plane. There it was, a cardboard cutout of an aircraft, wingtip to wingtip, engines and all. Now, I don’t mean to scare regular air travellers but planes are actually pretty flimsy. We’re told that they hit at almost 500 mph. When an Aluminium aircraft hits massive steel I beams set at 17 inch centres, there is no way the wing tips will destroy the steel beams. If you watch the footage in very slow motion the outline seems to appear as the jet fuel burns off. Turn Newton’s 3rd law on it’s head and imagine swinging one single I beam at a stationary aircrafts wing at 500mph. Would you be left with an intact wing & broken I beam or visa versa..?

The evidence is out there regardless of how secretive the establishment remain. Professor Stephen Jones of BYU has produced indisputable evidence of the presence of Nano-Thermate, a military grade explosive, in the toxic dust (See images at top).  It is fine enough to be added to paint and won’t explode until an ignition source is used. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth (2000 of them) dispute the official narrative & Pilots for 9/11 truth (again numbering in the thousands) including Top Gun & Commercial Pilots say the manoeuvres were simply impossible; aptly demonstrated in a flight simulator by John Lear of Learjet fame, who tried and failed to hit the targets hundreds of times, succeeding only once..?

All of this information is available online and on YouTube. Ask questions and demand answers…

9/11 was effectively part of a conspiracy that led to War Crimes and it’s time someone paid for their actions…

This article is dedicated to all of those directly affected on the day. The heroes involved in the clean up, whose deaths now outnumber those killed in the Towers due to lung disease as a result of toxic dust. The Soldiers who died fighting phoney wars and the millions of dead and displaced nameless families from far away places……


To Be Continued……

Immigration – Smoke, Mirrors and Outright Lies……

9 Sep

‘The debate about immigration is, like all things political, spun in such a way as to hide the reality and confuse the public’s perception……’

Migrants fall into specific groups, most of whom are perfectly entitled to be here. Anybody living within the European Union (EU) is free to live and work anywhere else within the EU, including ourselves. Those who come from outside the EU can live and work here provided they meet certain criteria or who are invited here; most notably healthcare workers without whom the NHS would simply collapse. Those who are married to a UK resident. An overseas parent with a child who is resident here also has certain legal rights allowing them to live here. This is supported by Human Rights law which considers the right to a family life fundamental and universal. However, this does not automatically allow the non UK national the right to work. There is also an international agreement on those seeking asylum, which was agreed up after the atrocities committed during World War II. It is estimated that 3m people were relocated during WWII……

The parents that put their children in a boat must fear the land more. What would you do. Wait for the bombs to drop on you or get your family to safety? No contest……

Do we not have an obligation as members of the Human race to offer the hand of friendship? These people had lives, jobs, businesses, families and security, just like you until America and the UK got involved in the warmongering after 9/11; but that’s a post for the near future. As for the ‘slam the door shut’ advocates; if every country did it we’d be end up with a net increase in population and asylum seekers represent a small number of the total figures that are always quoted……

Don’t believe the hype…… If we can afford Trident nuclear missiles……

21st Century Slavery……

2 Mar

‘Reach for the history books and they’ll tell you that slavery was abolished in the UK by the Slave Trade Act of 1807, driven by the unstoppable will-power of William Wilberforce. Well, almost……’

 William Wilberforce (1759-1833)

William Wilberforce (1759-1833)

The Slave Trade Act of 1807 simply outlawed the transportation of slaves. It wasn’t until 1833 that the Slavery Abolition Act was passed; making the owning, buying or selling of slaves illegal. It is not a coincidence that 26 years separated the two acts. Most of the Parliamentarians of the day had slaves and given life expectancy most had exploited the full potential from the slaves they owned. So, what’s changed…..?


First we need to define precisely what a ‘slave’ is. There’s the meaning we all take for granted, of people imprisoned against their will, transported to ‘the colonies’ and forced to work for a ‘master’; all enforced by extreme brutality and violence metred out to anybody who didn’t tow the line. It is now part of our shameful past but still happens all over the world to this day.

There are other definitions which have more congruity with our lives today. The Oxford English Dictionary contains several. Here are the ones that are pertinent to this article:

  1. A person who works hard without proper remuneration or appreciation.
  2. A person who is completely dependent upon, or controlled by something.
  3. A state of subjection.

Anybody who is a member of the plebeian proletariat, which is me and most of the people I know, falls into one, two or all three of the definitions given above. Here’s why.

greedy-bankersThe Joseph Rowntree Foundation estimates that a single person with no dependents requires an income of £16,300p/y, after deductions, to meet their basic needs. No holidays, cars or HDTVs included; just survival. Therefore, you are a slave to your employer, who holds you in subjection by the necessity to survive. Worse still, that employer probably doesn’t even come close to meeting those basic needs, leaving many people dependent upon the Government for Tax Credits; which is effectively another way of admitting that British employers pay too little for you to survive, further enslaving you to the State. To add insult to injury many of those employers manage to ‘avoid’ paying taxes to HMRC……

Having taken into account your own position the chances are that you fit the definition of a slave, only the ball and chain has been replaced by the threat of withholding essential income.

Ball and ChainThis form of modern slavery is a very clever device which causes apathy amongst huge groups in society who apostatise issues they hold dear for fear of disenfranchisement by the State upon which they depend for their survival……

It is my personal belief that this ideology is not accidental. Only the other day two more MPs fell prey to a press sting where they told us how they could influence policy and trade ‘under the radar’, and how this was excellent value at £8K per day; more than an unemployed person is paid yearly. If it was 1715 instead of 2015 I dare say we would have adopted the French model and separate MPs heads from their bodies, but it’s a carefully built house of cards and the distraction of survival along with the threat of ‘Jihady John’, ISIS/ISL/IS, global warming and the astutely constructed financial instability from which they protect us, keeps the vassal status quo.


The basic fact is that we are enslaved by a system from which we are unable to escape, with the exception of Ray Mears and maybe Bear Grylls. The nepotism, quid pro quo and control of the ruling elite keeps us firmly in our place; slaves who keep the cabal in positions of power and wealth through meaningless elections. You are most probably a modern slave……

Emancipation anybody…..?


Karl McCartney: Looking Out For Number 1 – 2020 Update…

16 Feb

‘It’ll be abundantly clear of any of Karl McCartney’s constituents that, to coin the phrase of one the 21st century’s greatest philosophers, “You’re either with us, or you’re against us.” – [G.W.Bush – circa 2002]……

Karl_McCartney_MPIt is the job of your MP to represent your views in the Houses of Parliament. That applies whether you voted for them or not; they are still your representative in the House. They should gauge opinion and express it when it comes to voting on legislation. Karl McCartney not only ignores the opinions of individual constituents but he actively ‘filters out’ a whole public lobby, specifically by discounting the opinions of people who follow political debate and proposed legislation through social media……


38 Degrees……

38 Degrees38 Degrees is a legitimate public interest website. It does not claim any political affiliation; it simply raises issues that are important to the people of this country and which are not prioritised in traditional media. However, 38 Degrees seems to be Karl’s antithesis. Perhaps they are a little too close to the truth? 38 Degrees ‘members’ are just subscribers to updates and information regarding laws that may be under review, as well as other vital stories that would pass them by without the likes of 38 Degrees.

There are many websites that perform similar functions and gauging public opinion through Social Media was actively pursued as a policy in the new ‘transparency’ era. You can raise an e-petition to get your voice heard in Parliament, so a modern MP should be able to gauge opinion through social media and they have flunkies to deal with the tech, so there are no excuses……

Your Automatic Reply:

KM_HC_PicThank you for contacting Karl McCartney, Member of Parliament for Lincoln. This is an automatic response acknowledging the receipt of your email.

If you are a constituent raising an issue (or acting on behalf of a constituent), we will reply by hard copy. If you have not already done so, please re-send your email with your full postal

Under Parliamentary protocol, MPs are only able to take up individual cases on behalf of their own constituents. If you are not a constituent living in Lincoln, you will need to contact your own MP. You can confirm the identity of your MP by following this link:

Please note that we no longer respond to mass email campaigns initiated by organisations such as 38 Degrees. However, please be rest assured that your email will be read and noted.

The Crux of the Matter……

Karl McCartney MP has shown complete disregard and disrespect for the people he is paid a substantial amount of money to represent. He considers 38 Degrees to be “a left-wing propaganda website”, and its subscribers; “Inarticulate and incapable of thinking for themselves”. The opinion of hundreds of people who bothered to click a link to express their concern to Karl makes that opinion worthless purely due to its source. Karl’s techno boys have found a way to send an automated reply that states they actively ignore emails initiated by 38 Degrees (who are named).

So that’s Karl McCartney’s views on important campaigns to save our NHS and proceed carefully with Fracking, to name just two. In taking this attitude he is dismissing the opinion of nearly 4 million people, 25,000 in his constituency.

I expect my MP to have his finger on the pulse and represent the views of the people he represents, not his own self-centred, bigoted agenda. I’m sure Japan International Tobacco doesn’t have their emails filtered…….

‘Don’t forget that a letter requires a written response and answers to the questions asked. You can write to Karl McCartney MP at: The House of Commons, London. SW1A 0AA. I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear from you…….


The Dripping Tap…….

A Review of 2014……

31 Dec


‘Thank you to all of my readers during 2014…  Below is an automated summary generated by WordPress…  More to come in 2015…  Bringing you the truth behind the ‘commercial medias’ headlines…..’


The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog:

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 3,700 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 3 trips to carry that many people.


Click here to see the complete report.

Eight Simple Ways for the Treasury to Save Money……

17 Jun


We are not broke, we do not need to tighten our belts and we are certainly not ‘all in this together’.  Immigration and welfare benefits are not the drain on the economy our politicians continually claim; they are just an easy target to divert attention and act as a smokescreen to the reality of our economic position.

Here are eight ways to emancipate billions of pounds back into the economy……

1 – IT Projects……

Government IT projects are notorious.  They frequently do not perform the function for which they were designed, go over budget and are delivered late, if at all.  Those that make it into public use are usually redundant within a couple of years due to their failure to be able to communicate with newer systems in other departments.

Here a just a few examples:

1980 – TAURUS was an electronic trading platform designed to make the buying and selling of stocks and shares easier.  Outcome: cancelled.  Cost: £75 million.

2002 to 2011 – Electronic Care Records; one of many NHS IT project failures.  Over nine years and despite numerous attempts to make it work, it was never launched.  Outcome: Discontinued.  Cost: £12 billion.

2008 to 2013 – Digital Media Initiative was the BBCs digital platform.  It was scrapped when it became clear that other media companies could provide services at a much lower cost to the customer.  Outcome: cancelled.  Cost: £98 million.

The Government continues with IT initiatives, the latest being the universal benefit system.  Again, it has over run and will doubtless be over budget, if it ever works at all……

2 – Public and Judicial Enquiries……

It is understandable that the relatives and victims of events like Hillsborough and Bloody Sunday want answers.  However, the Public or Judicial Enquiry has become a tool for politicians to kick issues into the long grass.  They are hugely expensive, often take years to complete and rarely deliver results.  The Hutton enquiry into the Iraq war was carefully limited in terms of what it was enquiring into.  As a result nobody faced prosecution and nobody  suffered any consequences in respect to the ‘sexed up’ document that was used as the justification for going to war.  The same is true of the enquiries into the shooting of John Charles de Menezes and Mark Duggan, or the newspaper sales man Ian Tomlinson who died after being assaulted by a Police Officer whilst walking home from work during a demonstration.  None of these cases has led to the prosecution of the Officers involved.

The Jimmy Savile case has as many as 30 enquiries currently taking place……

3 – Defense Spending……

The Department of Defense should change its name to the Department of Attack, as the last time it defended the UK was during WWII.  It is time we stopped acting under the influence of the US as the worlds’ police force and concentrated our resources on defending UK sovereign territory.  A look at a map will show that there are no threats to the UK from any of its neighbors, most of whom are our allies.  The non geographical and greatly exaggerated ‘al Qaeda’ does not warrant £57 billion per year on defense spending.  Government wastage has led to the building of redundant aircraft carriers and the replacement of the Trident nuclear deterrent, which is not wanted and unnecessary……

4 – Tax Avoidance……

It is estimated that the UK treasury is deprived of £95 billion per year due to tax avoidance.  At the same time, many of the employees of the companies involved receive benefits to support low paid jobs (more on this later).  It is interesting to note and a demonstration of Governments priorities that HMRC have a team of 300 people dedicated to tackling £95b of tax avoidance whilst the DWP has 3000 people dedicated to recovering £1b of benefit overpayments and fraudulent claims……

5 – The Monarchy……

The Queen’s household and assorted hangers on costs the UK tax payer £33.3m in 2013; a rise of £900,000 on the previous year.  Although I am a republican I feel our Queen does deserve credit where credit is due.  She is a tourist attraction, or rather her palaces are, so I don’t propose we wheel our the guillotine just yet.  However, the monarchy are independently wealthy and becomming richer by the day.  Assets such as the Duchy of Cornwall net Prince Charles tens of millions each year.  They also hold a huge private art collection thought to be priceless, all of which they aquired through a questionable hereditary lineage.  I propose that the public purse does contribute towards the Queen’s official duties but the numerous palaces, estates and country retreats should be handed to the National Trust and opened to the public thereby generating an income for their upkeep and relieving the tax payer of a large financial burden……

6 – MPs Expenses and Allowances……

Sure, MPs work a long way from home but then so do thousands of other people who pay for their own travel and expenses.  MPs are already well paid but on top of their salary claim £100m in expenses.  Some of this is for the everyday things you and I pay for out of our own pockets and some is for the second home allowance.  As already mentioned many people commute from as far away as Peterborough, Grantham and even further.  If an MPs commute is deemed reasonable they should pay for it themselves.  If a second home is needed it should be sold when the MP looses their seat to reimburse the tax payers.  Even with the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority overseeing claims, MPs are still receiving far too much money for expenses that the rest of the population are expected to pay for themselves……

7 – Diplomatic Travel……

The year is 2014, not 1914 and with technology there is little need for diplomatic travel when a simple conference call will suffice.  According to the Daily Mail a lot of ‘diplomatic’ travel is little more than an excuse for what they describe as ‘jollies’ and range from £2k to £10k depending on the destination and who is traveling.  This money does not form part of MPs expenses but comes from departmental budgets; the same budgets that have been squeezed by 25% in recent years.  It is rich to say the least to expect the UK public to ‘tighten their belts’ when MPs and Diplomats do not.  We are not ‘all in this together’……

8 – A Fair Pay Act……

It is time that laws are introduced setting out a workable minimum wage.  Not the £6.31 (21+), £5.03 (18 to 20), £3.27 (under 18) and £2.68 (apprentice); all of which are an insult when taking into account the increasing cost of living.  If you earn £6.31 per hour for 37.5 hours per week, you will barely be able to afford necessities.  This is the reason for the various Tax Credits which are paid to top up earnings to a reasonable amount.  But as mentioned earlier, many of the companies that pay minimum wages are also tax avoiders, thereby depriving the treasury twice.  Our whole economy would function better if wages were increased, Tax Credits abolished and tax avoidance curtailed……

None of this is rocket science and all perfectly achievable given the political will.  But instead of tackling the real issues of waste and poverty our representatives continually repeat the mantra of immigration and welfare reform; always being careful not to give factual details.  Immigrants pay in far more than they take out and welfare covers pensions, tax credits, child care allowances and a multitude of other benefits including universal benefits such as family allowance.  Unemployment benefits make up 1 or 2% of the welfare pie.  It is a tactic as old as democracy; divide and rule.  Whilst the arguments are focused on two vulnerable groups who have been demons, it gives the public someone to blame for the hardship they are suffering when in reality, with a little political will, this country could be £250 billion per year better off if only the pigs would pull their heads out from the trough and do the job for which they were elected……

NB: On the Radio 4 Today program (17th June) a recent survey revealed that the majority of residents believe most immigrants come to the UK to claim benefits.  It appears the political message is working……